Tag: health

Caring in the Caribbean: Puerto Rico Mission Report

The Horn/Vargas family, from Michigan, donates books to the church school to replace the ones lost during Hurricane Maria.

The island of Vieques lies seven miles off the eastern coast of Puerto Rico, the “Island of Enchantment.” It’s what you’d call a tropical island, with mango trees, coconut palms, beautiful beaches, and the brightest bioluminescent bay on the planet. Wild horses roam the streets, and green iguanas soak up the sun as they laze about on branches and low stone walls. It’s a place where people go on vacation, to get away from the hustle and bustle of life in the city.

It’s also an island with a great deal of need. While the party crowd comes and goes daily by ferry, the local populace of Vieques has a hard time taking care of their basic needs. Hurricane Maria devastated the island in 2017. The only hospital on the island was destroyed, leaving the 8,500 people who reside there with just a poorly-equipped emergency medical clinic that is open a few hours each day. There are two small gas stations on the island and only one grocery store. The bars and nightclubs abound, but opportunities for people to find true health and peace are in short supply.

Because of this great need, It Is Written partnered with the East Puerto Rico Conference to bring a group of 22 missionaries to the island of Vieques. The team of doctors, nurses, preachers, and support staff arrived in the town of Isabel Segunda on July 25 and began making preparations to open a free medical clinic at the church the next day. Exam rooms were set up, a triage area was established, translators were prepped, a pharmacy was organized, and spiritual material was lined up to distribute to the children and adults who would soon be arriving at the clinic. 

The Vieques mission group

Over the following days, scores of people came through the doors of the church to get help for themselves, their children, and their parents. Patients came with musculoskeletal pain, rashes, diabetes, and a variety of other health challenges. One man shared that he had been trying to get an appointment to be seen by a local doctor for over six months without success. He was elated to find that he could see a doctor at the medical clinic—and receive his needed medications—for free! And each patient who came received spiritual material to connect them with Escrito Está, the Spanish-language arm of It Is Written.

It Is Written Partners Dr. Sotero Escarza and his wife, Patti, said, “It was our first mission trip and we were struck with the fact that so many people would pay good money, take time out from their lives, and give up some creature comforts to help out people they don’t know with some basic medical needs and to give them literature about the Good News. It gave us comfort that God is in control and He has His remnant that will reflect His character.”

Keiton Bahnmiller, another first-time missionary, put his experience with construction into practice by helping to find and repair leaks in the church school’s roof and windows. He also helped pressure-wash the exterior walls and prepared them for painting. The only private school on the island, the school is a great outreach opportunity for the church.

Dr. Raul Vila, an It Is Written Partner who has joined the ministry on six mission trips, said, We encountered multiple challenges during this trip, however, we all were blessed as we cared for some of the needs of the people we served. I remember one man in particular who came with a case of shingles on his trunk and how in between acyclovir and some natural remedies, he could find relief. I’m glad that we could be there for him. Each patient seen carried new hope and a prayer sent to heaven.”

Would you like to let God use you on a mission trip? Visit itiswritten.com/missiontrips to learn how you can partner with us on an upcoming trip.


Gideon in the Dominican

This is the word of the Lord… “Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,” says the Lord of hosts. —Zechariah 4:6

God is never limited by the number of people or resources available to accomplish His purpose. Over and over in Scripture, God does mighty things through little. He brings beauty out of ashes and glorifies Himself through the weak things of this world. He did this again during the It Is Written mission trip to the Dominican Republic in May. 

A woman reads the Christian literature she just received while waiting to be seen at the clinic.

It Is Written partnered with the Southeast Dominican Conference in an initiative to reach a previously unentered territory by the church. A church plant is developing, and the church building is almost finished. Our mission team partnered with church members to conduct a medical clinic for the neighborhood right in the unfinished church building. Hundreds waited patiently for the free healthcare offered, which included dentistry, general medical care, cardiology, neurology, pediatrics, and more. Patients also received gifted items of soap, toothbrushes and toothpaste, socks, vitamins, and much-needed medication. Every person received Bible-based literature, and many began asking questions immediately as they waited.

More than 600 community guests came through the clinic over several days, with more than 450 people saying yes to the invitation for Bible studies. The church is currently following up on those interests. Many people who came through the clinic will eventually become members of that new church family and worship in the building where they were first introduced to Jesus! 

A boy is examined by the team dentist.

The finished church building

The mission team also funded and painted the newly constructed church inside and out, which significantly shortened the move-in date. The conference graciously dedicated the new building to It Is Written for substantially advancing this mission goal. A special thank-you to you, our Partners. Without your prayers and support, this trip would not have been possible. God receives the glory; we receive the joy!

In addition to medical clinics and church renovation, our team also conducted four evangelistic meetings and children’s programs. Several hundred attended the meetings, and more than 40 made decisions to follow Jesus in baptism! Hundreds of children participated in the nightly VBS meetings, and many learned about Jesus for the first time.

One young man made his decision after wrestling for several years. His hesitation was due to the impression that God was also calling him into full-time ministry. “I did not want to be baptized because I did not want to be a pastor,” he said. “Yet, God softened my heart through these meetings, and I surrendered to the call to be saved and serve others.” What a joyous moment! Another lady had been considering baptism for more than 10 years. God moved her heart through the preaching. She said, “Jesus is coming soon! I can’t afford to put Him off any longer. Christ is calling me now, and I am answering.” These are just a few of the 40+ testimonies of God’s greatness.

Pastor Wes Peppers, center, shares his testimony.

The conference also owns a radio station that reaches the entire country of 11 million people. It is the third most listened-to station of any genre, and several influential business owners and high-ranking government officials listen to the programs daily. I shared my personal testimony, “The Atheist Who Found God,” live on their afternoon program, and we received several callers in response.

Marion Peppers and community members pose for a picture as they pick up medication.

Indeed, it was like Gideon’s army again! The Lord did mighty things through just a small handful. This trip was a prelude to a more significant effort in August 2023. The conference will celebrate its 25th anniversary with 25 evangelistic series. It Is Written will conduct another mission trip with clinics, VBS, and possibly construction. Pastor John Bradshaw will join, and his live evangelistic presentations will be broadcast on the radio station, reaching every home in the Dominican Republic!

We are also recruiting speakers for all 25 meetings. Perhaps God is calling you to be a part of this trip, a different one, or sponsor someone you know to go. We invite you to join us for a life-transforming experience! God is calling; are you ready? 

Visit itiswritten.com/missiontrips for more information or to sign up.

Pastor Wes Peppers and his meeting attendees.

May Spotlight: Mental Health & Asian Pacific American Month Programs

The month of May marks two special occasions: Mental Health Awareness Month and Asian Pacific American Heritage Month. In honor of these events, we have put together a list of our programs that pertain to these important topics.

Mental Health Awareness Month

Mental health issues have significantly increased in the past several years, affecting millions of Americans, young and old. Find programs below on depression, anxiety, addiction, stress, and improving your overall mental and emotional well-being. Click the episode title or image to watch it.

Note: These programs are presented for the purpose of educating people about health issues only and should not be used in place of the advice of your qualified health care provider. Please call your physician for any health care-related questions.

“Depression and Its Causes”

Almost every American is affected by depression—whether a person suffers from depression or has a friend or family member who does. But what, exactly, causes depression? Join John Bradshaw and Dr. Neil Nedley to find out.

“Depression and Its Cure”

People of faith aren’t immune to depression. A committed Christian might battle depression as much as someone who doesn’t believe in God. So is there a way out? Join John Bradshaw and Dr. Neil Nedley for the conclusion.

“Boosting Your Brain”

It’s one of our most precious possessions, but likely isn’t getting the attention it deserves. Learn how to boost your brain function and open your mind to richer blessings from God.

“Pathway to Hope”

The saying goes, “Healthy body, healthy mind.” With God’s help, you can get much more out of life than you imagined. Get on the pathway to health with this presentation from John Bradshaw and Dr. Neil Nedley.

“Emotional Intelligence”

Instead of being controlled by our emotions, how can we benefit from them? Join John Bradshaw as he interviews Dr. Neil Nedley and discover how your emotions form a vital part of your relationship with God.

“Coping With Stress”

How did Jesus combat stress and are there healthy ways of coping with stress today? Discover the Great Physician’s divine prescription for stress that will help you successfully negotiate this stress-filled world in “Coping With Stress.”

“Stressed Out”

The Bible calls Jesus the “Prince of Peace,” and yet more people than ever are suffering from debilitating levels of stress. Join John Bradshaw and Dr. David DeRose and learn how to successfully negotiate this stress-filled world!

“The Physiology of Worship”

Research demonstrates that worship is good for you. How does worship benefit a person spiritually and emotionally? Join John Bradshaw and special guest Dr. James Marcum for “The Physiology of Worship.”

“Take Charge of Your Health: Depression and Mental Health”

Learn how you can improve your mental health and look forward to each new day with confidence.

“Take Charge of Your Health: Coping With Stress”

Stress can have serious consequences for physical and mental health. Find out what you can do to cope with stress and be free from its damaging effects.

“Take Charge of Your Health: Overcoming Addictions”

Addiction affects millions of people every day. Discover how you and those you love can find lasting recovery from addiction.

Asian Pacific American Heritage Month

The It Is Written episodes listed below provide an immersive experience into major historical events and their spiritual significance. Click the title or image to view each episode.

“Nunuku’s Law”

Years ago, a peaceful tribe on a remote island was invaded by warriors. Their actions in the face of death would not only be a bold stand for peace but would also speak of the sacrifice Jesus made to save a world lost in sin.

“I Shall Return”

Having left the Japanese-occupied Philippines, General Douglas MacArthur boldly declared, “I shall return.”  Two thousand years earlier, Jesus made the same promise to a world held captive in sin: “I will come again!” Join John Bradshaw on location on Corregidor Island in the Philippines.

“The March of Death”

Just hours after the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941, Japan invaded the Philippines. In the midst of destruction, tens of thousands of American and Filipino soldiers were forced to march on what became known as the Bataan Death March.

“Blood Rock”

The Bible talks about God wiping out whole cities. In fact, only eight people on Planet Earth survived the Flood. How do we reconcile that God commanded the eradication of entire people groups? Join John Bradshaw at Blood Rock in Australia as the answers are revealed from the Bible.

“The Holy City”

Join John Bradshaw as he visits vibrant Varanasi, Hinduism’s holiest city, on the banks of the Ganges River in India. Don’t miss “The Holy City,” as one of life’s most important questions is asked and answered.

It Is Written Missions: Miracles & Answered Prayer in Costa Rica

In March 2021, It Is Written conducted two mission trips to Costa Rica. The two groups went to a small countryside town called Las Juntas de Abangares to build a church, conduct medical clinics, and hold evangelistic meetings. Members from churches in Tennessee, California, and Washington, teachers and students from a church academy from Greeneville, Tennessee, and even our very own evangelism assistant, Maria Rayburn, and her 12-year-old daughter Gabriella were able to join in the trips. 

After months of planning and with 2020 behind them, the volunteers were beyond excited for this trip. After a four-hour flight, the team landed safely in Liberia, Costa Rica, and quickly removed their sweaters! From Liberia, the team traveled to Las Juntas de Abangares where they were greeted by howler monkeys in the trees right outside their hotel. 

Morning came rather quickly, courtesy of fruit bats outside the hotel windows. Shortly after breakfast, the team started work at the church building site. Some moved dirt while others raked it to level it out. They leveled the foundation and began building walls. The team needed a compactor to complete the floors, but there was nothing available to rent in the entire country. So the team prayed. The local pastor was driving to another town to see if they had a compactor when he happened to see one in someone’s yard. He stopped and asked if the owner would rent it—and he did! What a miracle.

The sun was extremely hot with temps usually above 90, and the team was so grateful for the daily lunch served at the church elder’s home. Next to his home is a small hut with a tin roof which serves as the local church. The local church community was extremely grateful for the work put in by the mission volunteers to build an actual church building.

Every night the group split up into small groups to do evangelism and maintain social distance. Maria was able to translate the meetings from English into Spanish. At one of the meetings, four children stepped forward in response to an appeal inviting Jesus into their lives and hearts. The students gave a health talk, told a children’s story, and shared a sermon that they wrote from their study in Steps to Christ.

During the day, another part of the team held free vision and medical clinics. The missionaries saw almost 750 patients, dispensed hundreds of pairs of glasses, and helped many people with joint pain and general health. Patients were given Steps to Christ in Spanish and invited to the evening meetings.

On one particular night, shortly after finishing the evening meeting, a church member came to Dr. Gordon Guild and said she was not feeling well. Dr. Guild examined her and believed she may have had a minor stroke. Dr. Guild and the rest of the team prayed over her that night. By the next morning, she was feeling much better and was back in the kitchen. Praise God for His blessings upon this woman!

Toward the end of the trip, rain was predicted just before the church floor needed to be poured. The students worked hard to complete their prep work before the rain moved in, and then they started praying. The following day, God held off the rain—it rained all around the team but not at the work site—until the floor was poured and walls finished. And then the heavens let loose. As the rain fell, the team reflected on the power of the Holy Spirit that had also been poured out during their time in Costa Rica. The people who had attended the evening meetings now had a place to worship, pain had been relieved, sight given, and hearts had made decisions for eternal life. These were mission trips for eternity. 

It Is Written is planning more mission trips for 2022. Please check itiswritten.com/missiontrips for updates as travel restrictions are reduced.

New It Is Written Series, Next Level Health, to Start April 23

It Is Written is pleased to announce its new online evangelistic series, Next Level Health. Join Pastor John Bradshaw and health experts from around the country as they share practical ways to enhance every area of a person’s life: physical, mental, and spiritual. Next Level Health runs April 23-29. Register and watch at nextlevelhealth.life

Next Level Health is the latest series in ACTS 20:21, the It Is Written full-cycle evangelism program for both churches and individuals. This series is designed to meet people where they are and address concerns heightened by the current pandemic. 

The seven-day series will be especially effective for churches reaching out to their local communities with practical life-changing health principles and for people witnessing to family and friends. Featuring physicians and medical experts and presented in a dynamic, magazine-style format, Next Level Health will cover hot-button health topics such as boosting immunity, improving mental performance, increasing energy, enhancing relationships, and promoting emotional wellbeing. 

“Last year we hosted Take Charge of Your Health and thousands participated.” Pastor John Bradshaw, It Is Written president, said. “When we asked those viewers how It Is Written could best help them reach their health goals, almost 50 percent asked for a follow-up series. So here we are!” 

After Next Level Health, ACTS 20:21 continues with a prayer series, an online Bible studies series, and a full-cycle evangelistic series all available virtually and with interactive and local follow up by It Is Written-trained church members.

“This is a new day for evangelism,” Pastor Yves Monnier, It Is Written director of evangelism, said. “People’s hearts are open right now, and church members are excited. They are able to engage with people who may never have attended an in-person meeting, but barriers are broken down through virtual outreach.”  

Register and watch the series at nextlevelhealth.life. Tell your church and community about it by using advertising resources available at itiswritten.com/rtresources. Learn more about the It Is Written full-cycle evangelism series, ACTS 20:21, at acts2021.com.

The Last Mission Trip: Video

Just as international travel shut down in Europe, It Is Written mission volunteers arrived in Siberia. It was the middle of March, and the COVID-19 pandemic was just beginning to extend its grasp around the globe. We didn’t know it then, but this was to be the last It Is Written mission trip of 2020.

Some volunteers had to leave immediately, but those who could, stayed, and God multiplied their efforts. Here are some stories from those mission volunteers.

To read more about the Siberia mission trip, check out our latest issue of Impressions.

You Inspired Me: Take Charge of Your Health Report

A man recently ran into one of his neighbors and said to him, “Look at me! I’ve changed my lifestyle, lost weight, and never have felt better. Do you know why? YOU inspired me.” He went on to explain that his friend’s health journey is what had motivated him to get his health in order. That very kind of “you inspired” exclamation is what motivated It Is Written to do a seven-part health series called Take Charge of Your Health.

From June 22 to 28, John Bradshaw, It Is Written president, and a team of highly-qualified health professionals tackled some of the biggest health issues affecting people today. More than 20 physicians–including cardiologists, otolaryngologists (ENTs), general practitioners, surgeons, oncologists, and others–shared insights and advice on heart health, diabetes, cancer, obesity, mental health, stress, and addictions. Special guests spoke of how they had lost weight, reversed diabetes, survived cancer, overcome depression, and seen a dramatic improvement in their heart health. Take Charge of Your Health also featured segments on diet, exercise, and cooking. The informative, scientifically-based nightly presentations focused on how simple lifestyle changes can have profoundly positive effects.

Thousands of people watched each night, with viewers joining from all around the world. Feedback was positive, with people saying they were on the way to defeating diabetes, losing weight, making changes to their diet, and committing to turning back illness and disease. “It was extremely encouraging,” said John Bradshaw, president of It Is Written. “We knew as we planned Take Charge of Your Health that there was the potential to see dramatic results. Knowing that people got together in groups, came out to churches to watch–church members and non-members–encouraged us. And what’s great is that the programs will age well. They’re going to be watched for years to come.”

The It Is Written Media Production department produced Take Charge of Your Health. “It was an entire team effort,” said Michael Bell, director of media production at It Is Written. “Our production team produced around 40 separate segments featuring almost 40 different people. There were a lot of moving parts. We set out to honor God, and I think we achieved that goal.”

And each presentation featured a strong focus on spiritual health. “And that’s the most important thing of all,” said Yves Monnier, director of evangelism at It Is Written. “We featured the CREATION Life study guides each night. They were produced in association with Advent Health, and they’re powerful. So each presentation pointed people to faith in God, which of course is what brings ultimate health and healing.”

Take Charge of Your Health was made possible by generous donations. “It’s hard to put into words what this means,” commented Ellen Hostetler, It Is Written Development Director. “It Is Written is donor-funded, meaning that what we do relies entirely on the kindness and the vision of others. It’s humbling to know that people had such a burden to see this happen that they donated to make it possible.”

At a time when people are still concerned about serious health issues, when people realize maybe more than ever how important their health is owing to the COVID-19 pandemic, It Is Written is pointing people to the Great Physician and showing people how they can take charge of their health.

Take Charge of Your Health can be viewed at takecharge.life. The Take Charge of Your Health DVD set can be purchased for home, office, church, or small group use at a special introductory price. The CREATION Life Study Guides are also available for purchase from the It Is Written shop or free online at creationlife.study

Explore Mental Health Programs and Resources From It Is Written

Did you know that May is Mental Health Awareness Month? With everything going on in the world today, there’s never been a better time to check in on your mental health. It Is Written has a variety of resources for learning how to care for and improve one’s mental health, from free TV programs and resources to books for purchase. Check them out below.

Television programs:

Maximum Health Series

As humans we are fearfully and wonderfully made, created by God to thrive. Incredibly, we make decisions and do things to our brains, our minds, that sometimes hold us back from thriving. But by the grace of God there are those things that can reverse the damage and lift us up. Join Pastor John Bradshaw and special guest Dr. Neil Nedley, president of Nedley Health Solutions, as they answer important questions about intelligence, brain health, and emotions. Discover how you can get the best out of the mind God gave you! Click here to purchase to DVD set or view the programs online below. 

“Emotional Intelligence: What Is It?”

Instead of being controlled by our emotions, how can we keep our emotions under control? Join John Bradshaw as he interviews Dr. Neil Nedley and discover how your emotions form a vital part of your relationship with God, and how you can get the best out of the mind God gave you!

“Controlling Your Emotions” 

Instead of being controlled by our emotions, how can we keep our emotions under control? Join John Bradshaw as he interviews Dr. Neil Nedley and discover how your emotions form a vital part of your relationship with God, and how you can get the best out of the mind God gave you!

“Becoming a Smarter You”

As humans, we are fearfully and wonderfully made, created by God to thrive. Incredibly, we make decisions and do things to our brains, our minds, that sometimes hold us back from thriving. But by the grace of God, there are those things that can reverse the damage and lift us up. Join Pastor John Bradshaw and special guest Dr. Neil Nedley.

“Peak Performance” 

You want to do your very best, and with God’s help, you can! “Peak Performance” will help you function at optimum levels and utilize your God-given gifts to a great capacity!

“Pathway to Hope”

The saying goes, “Healthy body, healthy mind.” With God’s help, you can get much more out of life than you’ve ever imagined. Be blessed by this presentation with John Bradshaw and Dr. Neil Nedley, and get on the pathway to health!

“Food for Thought” 

Our daily choices influence our health—physically and mentally. On God’s plan you can eat your way to better health. Now that’s food for thought!

“Boosting Your Brain” 

It’s one of our most precious possessions, but likely isn’t getting the attention it deserves. Learn how to boost your brain function and open your mind to richer blessings from God.

“Beating Diabetes” 

It’s a killer and it causes illness, injury and distress. But in many cases, diabetes can be simply beaten. Find out how you—or those you care about—can beat diabetes.

Depression Programs

“Depression and Its Causes” 

It’s probably safe to say that every American is affected by depression somehow—whether a person suffers from depression or has a friend or family member who does. But what, exactly, causes depression? Join Pastor John Bradshaw and Dr. Neil Nedley for the first program in a two-part series about this important topic.

*This program is presented for the purpose of educating people about health issues only and should not be used in place of the advice of your qualified health care provider. Please call your physician for any health care-related questions.

“Depression and Its Cure” 

People of faith are not immune to suffering from depression. A committed Christian might battle depression as much as someone who doesn’t believe in God. So is there a way out of depression? Join Pastor John Bradshaw and Dr. Neil Nedley for the conclusion of this two-part series about depression.

Grief Programs

“From Grief to Grace” 

In this program, you’ll meet a woman whose life was struck by terrible, random tragedy, who then found strength in God through the power of His grace. Don’t miss this powerful discussion on grief and forgiveness.

“Coping with Grief” 

In the beginning, God created a perfect world with no sin or sadness. But an enemy attack on planet Earth caused grief to enter the world. Human beings were created to be happy forever, so how do we deal with grief? Join Pastor John Bradshaw and special guest Pastor Mike Tucker, speaker/director of Faith for Today, to learn how to successfully cope with grief.

“From Grief to Hope” 

Grief is painful. It can be debilitating. And it’s something everyone experiences. Join Pastor John Bradshaw and his guest, Pastor Mike Tucker from Faith for Today, and find out not only what grief is, but how you can deal with it—healthily and successfully. Learn God’s plan to move from grief to hope.

Additional Mental Health Programs

“Coping with Stress” 

How did Jesus combat stress and are there healthy ways of coping with stress today? In this program, discover that the Great Physician has a divine prescription for stress that will help you successfully negotiate this stress-filled world!

“The Physiology of Worship” 

Research demonstrates that worship is good for you. How does worship benefit a person spiritually and emotionally? Join Pastor John Bradshaw and special guest Dr. James Marcum for “The Physiology of Worship.”

“Happily Ever After?” 

Juliet Van Heerden dreamed hers would be the perfect future. But her marriage to a cocaine addict soon unraveled, plunging her into one desperate situation after another. “Happily Ever After?” speaks of a God who is with you in the most difficult times. Join Pastor John Bradshaw for this powerful story and learn how God is able to turn a broken life into a life of hope, confidence, and joy.

Free Resources

Order one of the below free offers to be sent by mail by clicking here and completing the form. 

Depression Recovery DVD

Promises of Peace

In Promises of Peace, Pastor John Bradshaw brings alive some of the precious promises of the Bible and shows how through the Word of God you can experience peace in your heart and life. Promises of Peace will connect you with the Prince of Peace, and through His Word will bring you into the peace that passes understanding.

Coping With Grief

Grief hurts, it’s painful, and you’re going to experience it sooner or later. But what is grief, and how do we deal with it? What should you do when grief strikes close to home? Join Pastor John Bradshaw in this practical guide and discover how to move from grief to hope.

Dealing with Stress

Discover that the Great Physician has a divine prescription for stress that will help you successfully negotiate this stress-filled world!

Confidence in Chaos

People everywhere are trying to make sense of a rapidly changing world, but even in the face of personal trial and uncertainty, a person can find confidence in chaos.

Books for Purchase

Tears to Joy by Mike Tucker $14.99

If you have ever lost someone you love, you know how deep the wound cuts. In Tears to Joy, author Mike Tucker shares from his heart his struggles through the heartache of grief after the death of his wife of more than 40 years, Gayle Anne Whitacre Tucker. Her death affected every corner of his life, both personal and professional. He didn’t only lose a wife but a ministry partner as well. In sharing his story, Mike also shares research and material that he found helpful and reliable in the process of recovery. It is the author’s hope that in the midst of sorrow, Tears to Joy will bring you courage as you navigate through life’s most difficult journey.

Comfort for the Day: Living Through the Seasons of Grief by Steve and Karen Nicola $16.95

Comfort for the Day, Living Through the Seasons of Grief is a scripture-guided grief recovery memoir. The authors, Steve and Karen Nicola bring the grieving reader into conversations with God through Scripture that makes a healing difference for one’s pain and sorrow. It was their own experience following the death of their 3-year-old son that urged them to share with others the reality that we can live through the seasons of grief.

Closed to Travel, Open to Christ

Europe was closing to international travel just as our team of volunteers arrived in Siberia. Some had to return home immediately, but those who could, stayed, and God multiplied their efforts. The small group divided themselves between three cities: Omsk, Novosibirsk, and Ulan Ude. They held three evangelistic meetings and three medical clinics. 

Pastor Armen, a local pastor, shared this report about our team’s time in Novosibirsk: 

From March 14 to 20, in Novosibirsk, on the right bank, the It Is Written volunteers held a comprehensive wellness program. In the morning, for four hours before lunch, they took blood pressures, measured blood sugar, and took vitals. About 30 community members received consultations along with 15 church members. 

Doctor Ken Mindoro gave daily health lectures from a Biblical perspective. He covered eight principles of health and answered group and individual questions. He also spoke with each guest, answering questions about health and lifestyle changes. Each guest received a health book and diary, and every day before the lectures, instructors and organizers of the program prayed with the guests.

The time invested resulted in a huge blessing. As Dr. Ken said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” This isn’t his or his family’s first mission trip, but it was their first trip to Siberia. “My wife and I wanted to help people living in Siberia,” Dr. Ken shared. “We wanted to share principles for maintaining a healthy lifestyle and worship with Jesus together. Next year, if God pleases, we plan to come back to Siberia to serve people in new areas.”

One guest I’ll call Natalia left her address and said that she would like to be visited for prayer and further study. The local pastor and his wife arrived at her home and presented her with a book called Steps to Christ. They also prayed for her health, for the well-being of her family and grandchildren, and listened with interest to the story of her life and learned about her relationship with the Lord.

“Something attracted me to visit this program,” Natalia explained, “I was invited by my friend who politely and lovingly told me about the love of God. I felt a special atmosphere of kindness and light here.”

As a result, a trusting relationship was established, and Natalia and others like her came to find peace in Jesus’ love. The week ended with the celebration of the Lord’s Supper with the community and the baptism of five souls who joyfully joined the local church family. 

As of March 27, all the volunteers had safely returned home, thankful for the opportunity to fellowship and serve in Siberia. Due to the current travel restrictions and health concerns, several of the upcoming It Is Written mission trips have been postponed. To learn more visit our missions page.


8 Lessons From the Coronavirus

There’s much we can learn from the coronavirus crisis. Let’s look at a few coronavirus lessons, in no order of importance.

1. People can make you sick. I heard a sermon more than 25 years ago, preached by a man who sadly is now no longer a believer. He said that if you grow a garden, you wouldn’t be wise to locate it right at your property line if your neighbor’s property was filled with weeds. Because even if you do everything right, seeds from your neighbor’s property are going to blow into your garden and fill it with weeds. Proximity is a serious consideration. The same is true with the coronavirus, which affects people via other people. We need to be careful about what we catch from other people.

That’s especially true in a spiritual sense. It’s vital that we’re careful about what we catch from other people. Associations matter because attitudes rub off. If you’re in school and the popular kids aren’t serious about God, having them in your inner circle could be hazardous to your spiritual health. If your work associates or friends are corrosive to your faith, be exceedingly careful about how you let that association influence you. People have influence. We’re all influencers. Be careful of the influence of others.

2. Be careful how you spray. We’ve been reminded again and again to cough or sneeze into our elbows, so as not to affect or endanger others. Too many people “spray” their anger, bad language, and hateful attitudes on other people, who in turn are adversely affected by that. Your racist, sexist, or demeaning “joke” might be funny to you, but it’s going to harm others. Venting your anger might be acceptable to you, but it “sprays” on others. When you see a skunk, your first reaction might be, “I hope that thing doesn’t spray near me!” Some people evoke the same reaction as skunks. “I hope he doesn’t blow up.” “I hope she doesn’t start criticizing other people.” We have no right to “spray” others with our dysfunction. If you can’t muster up self control, if you can’t surrender your anger and frustration to God, it doesn’t make it okay for you to spray it upon others. It’s unfair, and it brings others down.

Lesson 3 from the coronavirus. It’s important to separate fact from fiction. “10 percent of the world’s population is going to die.” “This will last 18 months!” The truth is, we don’t yet have all the answers. I’ve seen numerous emails being forwarded containing miracle cures, the “truth” about the coronavirus, and remedies that are guaranteed to keep you safe. It’s almost certain that they won’t. The internet is like the Sears-Roebuck catalogues of yesteryear. You can find almost whatever you’re looking for. The same is apparently true of the Bible, because there are people who can appeal to the Bible to support just about anything at all. It’s important–from a Biblical perspective–to separate fact from fiction. Don’t fall for every last thing someone tells you about God, or about the Bible. The devil has no shortage of people wanting to lead you astray, divert your attention, and weaken your faith. The Bible is the truth. What someone says about the Bible is not necessarily the truth.

4. It’s good to think about the common good. We’re in this together. Your actions have a reaction. That’s why EVERYONE is being asked to act responsibly, to consider others. It might be that the coronavirus is going to bounce right off you. In fact, statistically speaking, there’s a very good chance that you’re going to be barely affected, physically. But even if you’re okay, you don’t want to be a carrier, a transmitter, of this illness. Spiritually speaking, you can be a negative force or a positive force in this world. You get to choose what you’re going to be. Consider your influence and use it for the good of others. And notice: at no time have you heard it said that only people who are specially qualified can pass on illness. You just have to be alive, and you can be a carrier. It’s the same with faith. You don’t have to be special, just special to God, and you can act for the good of everyone.

Lesson 5 from the coronavirus. Do the simple things to protect yourself. Wash your hands, avoid the sick, eat well, exercise, get rest. These are simple things. In faith, it’s the same. Read your Bible. Talk to God. Let your light shine. There’s nothing hard about these things. Spiritually, you want to do the simple things to protect yourself. If you’re not reading your Bible, then you’re not spiritually strong, and you shouldn’t fool yourself into thinking you are. Prayer and Bible reading are habit-forming. Do them, and you’ll want to do them more.

6. Things change fast. Two months ago, precious few people were talking about this. Now it’s the topic of almost every conversation, and it is dominating the news. When 2020 began, we had no idea that less than three months later the economy would be shutting down, cities would be under lockdown, people would have lost jobs, schools would be shut… Someone once said that the final movements would be rapid ones. That statement couldn’t be any more correct.

7. A final lesson from the coronavirus (and there are certainly many more.) It’s always right to do the right things. It’s always been right to look after your health, to cough into your sleeve, to stay away from work when you’re sick or contagious, to get exercise, to get adequate rest, and to think about the wellbeing of others. It’s best to incorporate these principles into your daily life anyway. It’s wise to simply make good practices part of everyday life. The same is true in a relationship with God. You don’t want to wait until tragedy strikes to discover prayer. You don’t want to be in the midst of a crisis to turn to the Bible. The wise things are always wise. Right is always right. God’s principles for successful living are simply the best things to do.

8. A final final lesson! Have faith in God. God has not given us the spirit of fear, according to 2 Timothy 1:7. God truly exists (Hebrews 11:6), He is love (1 John 4:8), He loves you (Jeremiah 31:3), Jesus is coming back to this world (John 14:3), and eternity awaits (1 Thessalonians 4:17). This is a great time for faith in a great God. The best is yet to come!

P.S. Don’t miss my conversation with Dr. Roger Seheult, a pulmonology, critical care, and sleep specialist. Dr. Seheult shares some vital insights into the coronavirus crisis. Be sure to watch and share with others. You can click here to watch it.