Author: Cassie Hernandez

Eight Original It Is Written Programs Now Available as Podcasts

Updated: 5:25 p.m. July 29, 2020

From weekly episodes to daily devotionals to shows in Spanish, eight original It Is Written programs are now available as podcasts on Apple and Google Podcasts. It Is Written, Sabbath School, Every Word, Line Upon Line, Conversations, Escrito Está, and Una Mejor Manera de Vivir join In the Word to provide uplifting content on the go. 

The new podcasts allow It Is Written to spread the gospel even further. “Podcasts are extremely popular, so it is important for It Is Written to utilize podcasting as another effective way of sharing life-changing messages,” said John Bradshaw, It Is Written president. “The new podcasts extend the scope of It Is Written and give us a greater opportunity to reach people for Christ. In a short time, our podcast audience has grown significantly, so I’m encouraged that God is powerfully using this.”

A new episode of It Is Written is posted every Saturday morning. It Is Written, the flagship program of the ministry, is presented by John Bradshaw and takes viewers to locations around the world while presenting the transforming teachings of the Bible. Listen on Apple, Google, or Stitcher.

Sabbath School is an in-depth study of the Bible featuring the author of the current adult Bible study guide, international evangelist Pastor Mark Finley. The weekly lesson study is posted Friday morning. Beginning August 1, a short review of the daily lesson study will also be released. Listen on Apple, Google, Spotify, or Stitcher.

Every Word is a one-minute, Bible-based daily devotional. Listen on Apple, Google, Spotify, or Stitcher.

A new Line Upon Line episode is posted weekly on Mondays. Hosted by Pastors John Bradshaw and Eric Flickinger, Line Upon Line answers Bible questions submitted by listeners. Listen on Apple, Google, Spotify, or Stitcher.

Released every Monday, Conversations takes you into the heart of inspirational experiences and unforgettable testimonies that will encourage you in your own walk with God. Listen on Apple, Google, or Spotify.

Presented by Pastor Robert Costa, Escrito Está is a Spanish-language program that discusses a variety of biblical topics, pointing people to Jesus as the only hope for our world. The weekly program is published on Saturdays. Listen on Apple or Google Podcasts.

Una Mejor Manera de Vivir is a brief daily devotional presentation in Spanish by Pastor Robert Costa. Listen on Apple, Google, Spotify, or Stitcher.

Taking you deep inside the Bible, In the Word presents inspirational preaching by Pastor John Bradshaw on a wide range of biblical subjects. A new episode is posted every Friday. Listen on Apple, Google, Spotify, Stitcher, iHeart Radio, or Castbox.

In addition to podcasts, these programs and more may be viewed at

Eyes For India COVID-19 Impact and Response

Eyes for India is the long-running It Is Written project restoring sight to the blind through cataract surgeries in India.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. Jacob Prabhakar, Eyes for India ophthalmologist and medical director of Ruby Nelson Memorial Hospital in northern India, had to postpone planned Eyes for India surgeries and hospital services. We recently received a report from Dr. Prabhakar about the scope of the COVID-19 impact in his area and his team’s response to it.

Response to the Pandemic

“Eyes For India was progressing very well until March 21 when the pandemic set in, bringing all planned surgical activities to a standstill,” Dr. Prabhakar reports. “About 5,000 blind people who were scheduled and awaiting their turn for cataract surgery in various remote locations within India were disappointed that their dreams of getting their sight back through Eyes For India were delayed. We assured them that our services would resume once the pandemic settled down.”

Community response

Despite curtailed hospital services, the ministry of Eyes for India continued. Many migrant laborers in local villages were left without food and essential supplies during the lockdown. The Eyes For India team visited these villages and provided free food and essential items to about 50 families. It was such a joy to share the love of Jesus in this simple way.

Base hospital services re-opened 

Dr. Prabhakar and his hospital team worked diligently to reopen hospital services. He reports, “After ensuring all protocols for the safety of staff and patients were in place, the base hospital outpatient services began again on June 1 and surgical services started on June 14. The flow of patients at the base hospital has been steadily increasing.”

Screening centers

Due to safety protocols and staffing, the high-volume remote surgical eye camps of the past will not be possible for a few more months. Despite that setback, Dr. Prabhakar and his team have not stopped services altogether. 

Eyes For India has been operating satellite clinics and vision centers to conduct screening activities for future patients in seven strategic locations throughout the country. Services have been able to continue in three centers each week. It is expected that by September all seven of these satellite clinics will again become operational. Patients needing cataract surgeries will be registered in these clinics and will be given appointments for surgery. 

Surgeries resuming

Once surgeries recommence, Eyes for India will transfer about 10 to 15 of these registered patients each day to the base hospital for surgery. This will translate to about 75 surgeries performed per week and about 300 surgeries per month. This strategy will continue until regulations and infection rates allow for the resumption of our high-volume, on-location surgical camps. We are implementing the best practices to ensure the full safety of the staff, their families, and patients while attending to community needs. 

Even though the situation is unpredictable, we have scheduled our weekly surgical camps from September 13 onwards, hoping that the pandemic may settle down to a certain degree, allowing us to carry on our regular yearly schedule. It is our prayer that our services will resume full strength soon. 

Thank You 

While the current pandemic has changed things, Eyes for India is still moving forward. Dr. Prabhakar wants to personally share the following message to those of you who faithfully support this project: 

Thank you, dear donors, for your kindness and generosity that has literally transformed thousands of lives. Eyes For India is committed and strategies have been put in place to continue to serve people across needy communities amidst this changing scenario. The need for restoring sight to the masses continues to be great. 

I thank God for each of you. And with your kind help and support, we look forward to helping thousands who are desperately waiting for their sight to be restored. We are honored to share the precious gift of sight and share personally with them the love of Jesus. 

I remain truly grateful on behalf of thousands of blind who now see!

Jacob Prabhakar

You Inspired Me: Take Charge of Your Health Report

A man recently ran into one of his neighbors and said to him, “Look at me! I’ve changed my lifestyle, lost weight, and never have felt better. Do you know why? YOU inspired me.” He went on to explain that his friend’s health journey is what had motivated him to get his health in order. That very kind of “you inspired” exclamation is what motivated It Is Written to do a seven-part health series called Take Charge of Your Health.

From June 22 to 28, John Bradshaw, It Is Written president, and a team of highly-qualified health professionals tackled some of the biggest health issues affecting people today. More than 20 physicians–including cardiologists, otolaryngologists (ENTs), general practitioners, surgeons, oncologists, and others–shared insights and advice on heart health, diabetes, cancer, obesity, mental health, stress, and addictions. Special guests spoke of how they had lost weight, reversed diabetes, survived cancer, overcome depression, and seen a dramatic improvement in their heart health. Take Charge of Your Health also featured segments on diet, exercise, and cooking. The informative, scientifically-based nightly presentations focused on how simple lifestyle changes can have profoundly positive effects.

Thousands of people watched each night, with viewers joining from all around the world. Feedback was positive, with people saying they were on the way to defeating diabetes, losing weight, making changes to their diet, and committing to turning back illness and disease. “It was extremely encouraging,” said John Bradshaw, president of It Is Written. “We knew as we planned Take Charge of Your Health that there was the potential to see dramatic results. Knowing that people got together in groups, came out to churches to watch–church members and non-members–encouraged us. And what’s great is that the programs will age well. They’re going to be watched for years to come.”

The It Is Written Media Production department produced Take Charge of Your Health. “It was an entire team effort,” said Michael Bell, director of media production at It Is Written. “Our production team produced around 40 separate segments featuring almost 40 different people. There were a lot of moving parts. We set out to honor God, and I think we achieved that goal.”

And each presentation featured a strong focus on spiritual health. “And that’s the most important thing of all,” said Yves Monnier, director of evangelism at It Is Written. “We featured the CREATION Life study guides each night. They were produced in association with Advent Health, and they’re powerful. So each presentation pointed people to faith in God, which of course is what brings ultimate health and healing.”

Take Charge of Your Health was made possible by generous donations. “It’s hard to put into words what this means,” commented Ellen Hostetler, It Is Written Development Director. “It Is Written is donor-funded, meaning that what we do relies entirely on the kindness and the vision of others. It’s humbling to know that people had such a burden to see this happen that they donated to make it possible.”

At a time when people are still concerned about serious health issues, when people realize maybe more than ever how important their health is owing to the COVID-19 pandemic, It Is Written is pointing people to the Great Physician and showing people how they can take charge of their health.

Take Charge of Your Health can be viewed at The Take Charge of Your Health DVD set can be purchased for home, office, church, or small group use at a special introductory price. The CREATION Life Study Guides are also available for purchase from the It Is Written shop or free online at

Watch It Is Written Programs on Race and Justice

Updated Oct. 22, 2020, 10:45 a.m. with additional program information.

As issues of social unrest and racial injustice continue in the world, It Is Written remains committed to approaching difficult topics from a Biblical perspective.

“Our focus is to proclaim the everlasting gospel to the world,” said John Bradshaw, It Is Written president. “We’ve told some painful stories over the last few years, but each of these stories–while causing us to confront some difficult subjects–focuses on the Bible, on Jesus, and on God’s gift of everlasting life.”

Check out the following inspirational and educational programs from It Is Written on race and justice.

“Jesus and Racism”

Racism is a serious problem that challenges societies around the world. The Bible addresses the issue in an unlikely New Testament story, showing how God feels about racism and demonstrating that love and unity can be accomplished when the Holy Spirit is allowed to change hearts.

“The Scottsboro Nine” 2020 winner of four Telly Awards

In a colossal miscarriage of justice, nine young men were found guilty of a crime they didn’t commit. The deciding factor? The color of their skin. Join John Bradshaw in Scottsboro, Alabama, for this story of injustice and discrimination, and learn why it’s so important to serve a God who is just.

“Black Wall Street” 2019 winner of five Telly Awards

In 1921, more than 300 people were massacred, thousands were left homeless, and an entire town was destroyed when people turned on their fellow citizens—in the United States of America. Which raises an important question: What kind of person would do that? The answer is surprising. Join Pastor John Bradshaw on location in Tulsa, Oklahoma, as we look at a challenge faced by every person.

“Rights and Wrongs” 

In the 1960s, the civil rights movement made history as Americans took a stand against racial injustice. Join John Bradshaw on location in Selma, Alabama, as he examines the atrocities committed and the bravery of those who paid the ultimate price for standing up for justice.

“Radical Forgiveness”

Confronted by the devastation of a murderous attack, Pastor Anthony Thompson chose to respond to the killing of his wife in an unlikely way. Join Pastor John Bradshaw as he speaks with Pastor Anthony Thompson and discusses a powerful and moving story of radical forgiveness. Filmed on location in Charleston, South Carolina.

“The Price of Freedom”

Slavery provided a backdrop to the American Civil War. The Battle of Gettysburg was a battle for freedom…in many ways. Filmed on location in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.

“Blood Rock”

It’s something many people struggle with. At times, the Bible speaks of God wiping out whole cities, ending the lives of men, women, the aged, and children. How should we understand that? Join John Bradshaw at the site of a racially-motivated massacre in Australia as the answers are revealed from the Bible.

Prayer Equals Power as Thousands Make Decisions for Baptism Through Escrito Está

In April and May, Pastor Robert Costa, speaker/director for the It Is Written Spanish ministry Escrito Está held eight one-week, online evangelistic reaping series aired in over 16 million homes. As a result, millions of people had the opportunity to hear and accept hope in Jesus. Robert Costa filmed the meetings from his living room using his computer, an iPhone, two lights, one lapel mic, and a Bible.  

The series were offered to countries in North America, Central America, South America, and Western Europe. Most meetings opened with a 5-10 minute health topic, and four of the events were translated into sign language. As a result, several thousand have been baptized or are preparing for baptism. Thousands are still waiting to be baptized when churches open. 

Prayer was an essential part of these meetings’ success. In one area, more than 80,000 members prayed 24/7 for two weeks, and as a result, more than 1,500 baptisms occurred. In another area, six church groups joined forces and almost one million members invited their friends to the meetings. Church members were motivated to reach their friends even if they could only connect with them by phone. 

On May 9, 2020, one of the series, Esperanza en Jesús (Hope In Jesus) aired in the United States. Others viewed from Chile, Ecuador, Mexico, and Guatemala. Robert Costa spoke nightly to thousands of people who viewed on YouTube, Facebook, and the Escrito Está website. 

Throughout the week, viewers contacted the ministry sharing how they had been blessed (names have been changed):  

Jorge and Luisa contacted us through WhatsApp. Jorge had recently lost his painting job and Luisa had just come out of the hospital and was recovering from a severe kidney infection. They don’t attend any church, but the current difficult situation made them both want to reconnect with God and study the Bible. They watched the entire series through Facebook. – Florida

Ademar, is a professional soccer player and captain of a soccer team in Chile. He grew up as a Catholic but now wants to be baptized because of what he learned from watching Esperanza en Jesús. He has already started observing the Sabbath and asks for prayers as many of the main soccer games are played on the Sabbath. – Chile

We received a prayer request during the meetings from Marta for her sister, Eldora, to seek God. She’s in an abusive marriage and has two children with autism. That same evening Marta contacted us again to let us know that Eldora reached out to her and wants to study the Bible. – California

Ricardo grew up in a Christian home where he knew about the Sabbath and the love of Jesus, but his life took a different turn. He watched Esperanza en Jesús because he wanted to come back to the Lord. Please pray for this searching young man. – New Jersey

Jair and Sabrina moved to a small town in Chile three months ago. They had left a life of alcohol and drugs behind. Their lives were changed when God spoke to them through the programs on Enlace TV. One of their favorite preachers is Pastor Robert Costa. When Pastor Costa offered a free subscription to the daily devotional, Una Mejor Manera de Vivir (A Better Way to Live), they reached out to Escrito Está and signed up. 

The couple didn’t have a Bible, but they walked around their new town and found a Pentecostal church where they received one as a gift. Jair is very emotional about his new-found faith and is absorbing anything he can get. He and Sabrina didn’t miss a day of Esperanza en Jesús. Escrito Está is connecting them with a local pastor who can help them grow in their new found faith. – Chile

Camila contacted Escrito Está through WhatsApp requesting prayer. “I want my name to be written in the book of life. I want my sins to be forgiven and to dedicate my baby to the Lord, so that he can enjoy eternal life.” She was recently visited by a local pastor and gifted with a Bible. – Massachusetts

During the first nights of the meetings, a man named Angel asked for prayers for his son who had been kidnapped. He was watching Esperanza en Jesús in search of hope and strength as he faced such a difficult trial. Thankfully, by Friday his prayers were answered. His son was returned home safely. – Mexico

“My name is Juan and I live in Quito, Ecuador. Last week I was invited to join the online series Esperanza en Jesús by Pastor Robert Costa. The topics really touched my heart and made me turn to Jesus. I have been a Catholic my entire life…But this week my eyes were opened with a bright light and I realized the mistakes I’ve been practicing all these years. That is why I decided to contact you because I would like to study the Bible to get to know more. Thank you!” – Ecuador

“This is Valeria from Guatemala. I’ve been listening to sermons on your station for a while, but I’m an evangelical Christian. If I want to join your church, do I need to be rebaptized? I was baptized at age 17, but left the church. Now that I’m 29 I want to reconcile with the Lord. I’ve returned to church and started studying about the Sabbath and other doctrines. I want to walk with the Lord. My uncle is a leader from my church and he tells me that the Sabbath is for Jews, but God has convicted me that I should observe it. Please help me to contact a local pastor, so I can learn more.” – Guatemala

“My name is Andrés and I would like to thank you for the wonderful messages you share. I have a loving relationship with a Christian woman, but my family, who is not religious, doesn’t like her. My mom says that she is changing me. My relationship with my family has struggled and we’re distant from one another. When COVID-19 came to Guatemala, I never imagined the impact it would cause on the rest of the world. I became concerned about job security, expenses, and my existence. One day while I struggled with depression and anxiety, I turned on the TV and listened to Escrito Está for the first time. The message really touched my heart, and I continued listening to it in the following days. Finally, I made a promise to God and myself that I would give Him my life and put my relationship in His hands. Please pray for God to intervene and help me to restore my relationship with my family. God bless you and thank you very much! – Guatemala

Although the meetings are over, requests for baptism continue. Please pray for these people as they are reached by local church pastors.

 To watch Esperanza en Jesús and other programs by Escrito Está, visit

Take Charge of Your Health Online Series to Begin June 22

Updated 10:57 p.m., June 18, 2020

Watch a FREE series of presentations that could change your life! Beginning June 22 at 7 p.m. EDT, the one-week online Take Charge of Your Health series features interviews with medical experts, success stories from people who have turned their lives around, practical advice that will enable you to take charge of your health, and more!

Register and watch the series at

Over fifteen doctors will discuss the most pressing health issues facing people today, including heart health, diabetes, cancer, weight loss, mental health, stress, and addictions. They will also answer the most frequently asked questions about each topic and share how their patients have seen remarkable improvement.

In addition, John Bradshaw will be examining Bible-based health principles in light of the most up-to-date medical research. Along the way, you will learn tasty recipes, simple exercises, and fun food facts each evening.

Free access to dynamic study guides will be available to those who attend the event.

This series is designed to help people live life to the fullest, said John Bradshaw, It Is Written president. “If the pandemic has taught us anything at all, it’s that a person’s health is precious,” he said. “And the more we can do to stay well and be strong, the better we’re going to fare in times like these–and in times to come.”

John Bradshaw is seen in this screenshot with Dr. Harvey Hahn, as they discussed dealing with stress for a previous video interview.

Special guests will include Dr. John Chung, dermatologist; Dr. David DeRose, internist; Dr. Harvey Hahn, cardiologist; Dr. Bob Hunsaker, anesthesiologist; Dr. Glen Papaiaoannou, oncologist; Dr. Mark Sandoval, emergency medicine specialist; Dr. Brian Schwartz, cardiologist; Dr. Lyndi Schwartz, internist; Dr. Doug Teller, internist; and more.

John Bradshaw and Dr. Lyndi Schwartz are shown in this screenshot from a previous video interview, where they discussed the challenge of isolation.

Each night, John Bradshaw will review a CREATION Life Bible study guide. Produced by AdventHealth and It Is Written, the CREATION Life Study Guides provide a scientifically researched, biblically based way to improve health and well-being. The studies outline a framework for living an abundant life that helps the reader live healthier, be happier, feel stronger, and experience trust in a new way.

Take Charge of Your Health is the second online evangelistic initiative from It Is Written, as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to prevent in-person evangelism. The first event, Hope Awakens, focused on Bible prophecy and current events and concluded in May with tens of thousands of views and thousands of decisions for Christ. Those presentations may be watched at Esperanza En Jesús and other series led by the It Is Written Spanish language ministry, Escrito Está, have resulted in hundreds of baptisms so far. Esperanza En Jesús can be viewed at

Screenshot: John Bradshaw and Dr. David DeRose talk about health during It Is Written episode “Life and Longevity,” which aired October 2019.

It Is Written Wins Five Telly Awards for Programs on Miscarriage, Racial Injustice

In May 2020, It Is Written won five Telly Awards for two programs, “Innocents Lost” and “The Scottsboro Nine.” These three silver and two bronze awards join the 18 awards that were won in 2019 for five programs. This year’s programs won for the following categories: Television; General-Religious, Craft-Videography, Craft-Writing, and Craft-Editing. 

The two winning programs both deal with hard subjects. “Innocents Lost” carefully covers the difficult topic of miscarriage. It explores the heartbreaking reality of losing someone who was never able to be truly known. John Bradshaw, It Is Written president, interviews a mother who has walked through this painful journey and a physician who has worked with grieving parents. The program offers God’s love and hope to those who have experienced the depth of this particular grief. The program won one bronze Telly Award. The program can be viewed at

Three silvers and a bronze were awarded for “The Scottsboro Nine,” which recounted the horrific collapse of justice that occurred in Scottsboro, Alabama, in 1931. The ultimate verdict resulted in nine young men being found guilty of a crime they didn’t commit based on the color of their skin. John Bradshaw interviews individuals intimately involved in this brutal story of discrimination and shares why, with so much injustice around us, it is so important to serve a God who is just. The program can be viewed at

It Is Written aims to approach difficult topics from a biblical perspective. “Our focus is to proclaim the love and hope of Jesus throughout the world,” John Bradshaw shared. “Sometimes that takes us into painful places, but that’s where Jesus went. Right now, when our country and world are reeling from a pandemic and social unrest, messages like ‘Innocents Lost’ and ‘The Scottsboro Nine’ along with our other programs speak not only to the human condition, but also to the peace and hope available through faith in Jesus Christ.”

“Innocents Lost” and “The Scottsboro Nine,” along with other award-winning It Is Written programs, can be viewed on It It Written TV available 24/7 at and on YouTube, Roku, AmazonFire, Google Play, Apple TV and through the It Is Written mobile app.

It Is Written and Local Church Leaders Reopen Churches, Provide Community Services in India

After years in disrepair and closure, 53 churches in east central India have been reopened and spiritual, health, and social services have been initiated to keep them active with the help of It Is Written. In November 2018, It Is Written began an initiative with local church leaders to reopen 50 churches that had been closed due to lack of funding. The initial assessment was not encouraging. In addition to being without a pastor, the church yards were covered in garbage, windows were broken, and doors had rusted shut with no keys. Some churches were used to store tobacco or cotton while others were serving as shelters for beggars, sheep, and buffalo. Despite these discouraging odds, It Is Written representative Josephine Biegler, chose 53 churches to reopen. 

Local leadership team at one of the churches

To ensure the churches stayed open, new church leaders had to be trained and paid. Twenty-five Bible workers were selected and began training. They studied the life and teachings of Jesus; Bible doctrines; Daniel and Revelation; history of the church; world religions; health principle; the gift of prophecy; major and minor prophets; and the writings of Paul. Jack Phillips, It Is Written Bible Work Coordinator, traveled to India and conducted a special course on practical methods for giving Bible studies and reaching the local communities.

After thorough training, these Bible workers were placed in the villages to care for their two assigned churches. They cleaned each church, and professional repairmen made repairs and painted walls. Each church was given a new PA system, a culturally essential component to corporate worship. The Bible workers faced prejudice from community members because community members’ trust was damaged or broken when the church closed. 

Community health workers were hired to help the Bible workers overcome this prejudice. These ladies created a way for the Bible worker to enter the community with the gospel. Each worker was given training, a scale, stethoscope, blood pressure machine, and the book Where There is No Doctor in Telugu, the local language. The health workers check glucose and blood pressure levels, care for fevers, and bandage wounds. They taught about cleanliness and educated the villagers about the harmfulness of tobacco and alcohol. These women visited every home–Hindu, Muslims, and any other religion–praying for the suffering at the end of the visit. Some of the villagers accepted Christ because of the health workers’ invitations.

Newly opened churches began conducting night literacy classes in 26 of the churches. Eight adult literacy volunteers taught basic reading and writing along with Christian songs. They also prayed with the students and encouraged each to come back to the church on Sabbath. Through their efforts, people accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior through baptism. 

A United States sewing ministry partnered with the churches to offer sewing classes for local women. The ladies learned how to make garments, were given a brand-new sewing machine, and were invited to accept Christ as Savior. They left the class spiritually fed and with training to become financially independent. 

The health and social services were augmented with spiritual resources. Students from an Indian theology school conducted a three-day evangelism program in each of the 53 churches. Their program helped support the Bible workers in reaching the unreached and gathering the scattered members. These students visited the entire village, prayed with everyone they could, and invited the community to the meetings at the church. Later, another seven-day revival meeting occurred in 10 of the newly opened churches. These meetings were targeted to the local youth. They learned songs, Bible stories, and skits and left encouraged to be the strength of the new churches. Many young people gave their lives to Jesus Christ through these meetings. The younger children were not left out. Last summer, over 60 days, two college students conducted Vacation Bible School in 20 of the reopened churches. They worked with the village children, taught them new songs and Bible stories, and made crafts. Nearly 800 children participated. 

Earlier this year, the It Is Written Eyes for India program conducted a medical camp for 100 villages including the 53 villages with newly reopened churches. Medical physicians from the United States provided free medical expertise and partnered with local nursing students. Over 2,300 patients were treated, over 4,500 people were screened for cataracts, and 927 were selected for cataract surgery which began on February 24. 

During the month of February, two It Is Written mission teams traveled to India to hold revival meetings at 20 locations covering the 100 villages that also received medical care. Over the course of the month, approximately 4,500 people attended these meetings throughout the sites. God poured out His blessings, and 1,197 people accepted Jesus into their hearts.

And the work hasn’t stopped. Ongoing plans include quarterly meetings conducted by a local Indian evangelist to cover spiritual growth topics like the Sabbath, stewardship, continuous soul winning, children’s Sabbath school, and health. The churches continue to hold youth ministry events and widow prayer ministry activities. Every quarter, the church will also conduct an eight-day training for elders to equip them to serve the church and community. And 48 more churches have been selected for reopening and have already been cleaned. In May, the It Is Written Hope Awakens sermons were translated into seven Indian languages and livestreamed in Facebook to the entire local area. Thousands have seen the broadcasts.  

The infrastructure is established to ensure these churches stay open for many years to come and continue growing and serving their communities with the love of Jesus. The treasurer for the local church in India writes, “Thank you It Is Written for entrusting us with the resources we desperately needed to reopen churches….Thank you Ms. Josephine and the It Is Written team for everything, and we request that you continue to support the work we are determined to undertake here in India. God bless you all.”

This project was made possible through the support of It Is Written donors. To donate to future It Is Written mission and humanitarian projects, click here and select “It Is Written Missions.”

Bible workers and community health workers

Eyes for India camp

Explore Mental Health Programs and Resources From It Is Written

Did you know that May is Mental Health Awareness Month? With everything going on in the world today, there’s never been a better time to check in on your mental health. It Is Written has a variety of resources for learning how to care for and improve one’s mental health, from free TV programs and resources to books for purchase. Check them out below.

Television programs:

Maximum Health Series

As humans we are fearfully and wonderfully made, created by God to thrive. Incredibly, we make decisions and do things to our brains, our minds, that sometimes hold us back from thriving. But by the grace of God there are those things that can reverse the damage and lift us up. Join Pastor John Bradshaw and special guest Dr. Neil Nedley, president of Nedley Health Solutions, as they answer important questions about intelligence, brain health, and emotions. Discover how you can get the best out of the mind God gave you! Click here to purchase to DVD set or view the programs online below. 

“Emotional Intelligence: What Is It?”

Instead of being controlled by our emotions, how can we keep our emotions under control? Join John Bradshaw as he interviews Dr. Neil Nedley and discover how your emotions form a vital part of your relationship with God, and how you can get the best out of the mind God gave you!

“Controlling Your Emotions” 

Instead of being controlled by our emotions, how can we keep our emotions under control? Join John Bradshaw as he interviews Dr. Neil Nedley and discover how your emotions form a vital part of your relationship with God, and how you can get the best out of the mind God gave you!

“Becoming a Smarter You”

As humans, we are fearfully and wonderfully made, created by God to thrive. Incredibly, we make decisions and do things to our brains, our minds, that sometimes hold us back from thriving. But by the grace of God, there are those things that can reverse the damage and lift us up. Join Pastor John Bradshaw and special guest Dr. Neil Nedley.

“Peak Performance” 

You want to do your very best, and with God’s help, you can! “Peak Performance” will help you function at optimum levels and utilize your God-given gifts to a great capacity!

“Pathway to Hope”

The saying goes, “Healthy body, healthy mind.” With God’s help, you can get much more out of life than you’ve ever imagined. Be blessed by this presentation with John Bradshaw and Dr. Neil Nedley, and get on the pathway to health!

“Food for Thought” 

Our daily choices influence our health—physically and mentally. On God’s plan you can eat your way to better health. Now that’s food for thought!

“Boosting Your Brain” 

It’s one of our most precious possessions, but likely isn’t getting the attention it deserves. Learn how to boost your brain function and open your mind to richer blessings from God.

“Beating Diabetes” 

It’s a killer and it causes illness, injury and distress. But in many cases, diabetes can be simply beaten. Find out how you—or those you care about—can beat diabetes.

Depression Programs

“Depression and Its Causes” 

It’s probably safe to say that every American is affected by depression somehow—whether a person suffers from depression or has a friend or family member who does. But what, exactly, causes depression? Join Pastor John Bradshaw and Dr. Neil Nedley for the first program in a two-part series about this important topic.

*This program is presented for the purpose of educating people about health issues only and should not be used in place of the advice of your qualified health care provider. Please call your physician for any health care-related questions.

“Depression and Its Cure” 

People of faith are not immune to suffering from depression. A committed Christian might battle depression as much as someone who doesn’t believe in God. So is there a way out of depression? Join Pastor John Bradshaw and Dr. Neil Nedley for the conclusion of this two-part series about depression.

Grief Programs

“From Grief to Grace” 

In this program, you’ll meet a woman whose life was struck by terrible, random tragedy, who then found strength in God through the power of His grace. Don’t miss this powerful discussion on grief and forgiveness.

“Coping with Grief” 

In the beginning, God created a perfect world with no sin or sadness. But an enemy attack on planet Earth caused grief to enter the world. Human beings were created to be happy forever, so how do we deal with grief? Join Pastor John Bradshaw and special guest Pastor Mike Tucker, speaker/director of Faith for Today, to learn how to successfully cope with grief.

“From Grief to Hope” 

Grief is painful. It can be debilitating. And it’s something everyone experiences. Join Pastor John Bradshaw and his guest, Pastor Mike Tucker from Faith for Today, and find out not only what grief is, but how you can deal with it—healthily and successfully. Learn God’s plan to move from grief to hope.

Additional Mental Health Programs

“Coping with Stress” 

How did Jesus combat stress and are there healthy ways of coping with stress today? In this program, discover that the Great Physician has a divine prescription for stress that will help you successfully negotiate this stress-filled world!

“The Physiology of Worship” 

Research demonstrates that worship is good for you. How does worship benefit a person spiritually and emotionally? Join Pastor John Bradshaw and special guest Dr. James Marcum for “The Physiology of Worship.”

“Happily Ever After?” 

Juliet Van Heerden dreamed hers would be the perfect future. But her marriage to a cocaine addict soon unraveled, plunging her into one desperate situation after another. “Happily Ever After?” speaks of a God who is with you in the most difficult times. Join Pastor John Bradshaw for this powerful story and learn how God is able to turn a broken life into a life of hope, confidence, and joy.

Free Resources

Order one of the below free offers to be sent by mail by clicking here and completing the form. 

Depression Recovery DVD

Promises of Peace

In Promises of Peace, Pastor John Bradshaw brings alive some of the precious promises of the Bible and shows how through the Word of God you can experience peace in your heart and life. Promises of Peace will connect you with the Prince of Peace, and through His Word will bring you into the peace that passes understanding.

Coping With Grief

Grief hurts, it’s painful, and you’re going to experience it sooner or later. But what is grief, and how do we deal with it? What should you do when grief strikes close to home? Join Pastor John Bradshaw in this practical guide and discover how to move from grief to hope.

Dealing with Stress

Discover that the Great Physician has a divine prescription for stress that will help you successfully negotiate this stress-filled world!

Confidence in Chaos

People everywhere are trying to make sense of a rapidly changing world, but even in the face of personal trial and uncertainty, a person can find confidence in chaos.

Books for Purchase

Tears to Joy by Mike Tucker $14.99

If you have ever lost someone you love, you know how deep the wound cuts. In Tears to Joy, author Mike Tucker shares from his heart his struggles through the heartache of grief after the death of his wife of more than 40 years, Gayle Anne Whitacre Tucker. Her death affected every corner of his life, both personal and professional. He didn’t only lose a wife but a ministry partner as well. In sharing his story, Mike also shares research and material that he found helpful and reliable in the process of recovery. It is the author’s hope that in the midst of sorrow, Tears to Joy will bring you courage as you navigate through life’s most difficult journey.

Comfort for the Day: Living Through the Seasons of Grief by Steve and Karen Nicola $16.95

Comfort for the Day, Living Through the Seasons of Grief is a scripture-guided grief recovery memoir. The authors, Steve and Karen Nicola bring the grieving reader into conversations with God through Scripture that makes a healing difference for one’s pain and sorrow. It was their own experience following the death of their 3-year-old son that urged them to share with others the reality that we can live through the seasons of grief.

Escrito Está Holds Virtual Meetings with Nearly 250,000 Views

Between April 18-25, Pastor Robert Costa, speaker for the It Is Written Spanish ministry Escrito Está, shared hope with people in Mexico. Under quarantine orders himself, Robert Costa conducted an online evangelistic series for the North Mexican Union entitled El poder de la Esperanza (The Power of Hope) from his home.

The event was live streamed through Facebook and YouTube. Due to the online platform, other conferences and churches throughout the three Americas and Western Europe joined the event. The attendance peaked with 247,000 views opening weekend and remained strong with 170,000 consistent views night over night. 

“I am so excited to see people making decisions for Jesus Christ,” said Robert Costa. “We are living in unprecedented times and it’s an honor and a privilege to share hope with people looking for answers.”

The event was preceded by social media invitations and special training sessions for church members to invite their friends and relatives to join the online meetings. On the closing Sabbath, 204 baptisms were held in the Union, despite government restrictions limiting churches to groups of 10. Over 1,200 baptisms have been requested once restrictions are lifted, and Bible studies continue for many more.

Additional information about the series, including links to watch the presentations, may be found in Spanish on the Escrito Está website by clicking here.

Pastor Costa will be conducting other online series for Honduras, Costa Rica, and Nicaragua in May. Starting May 9, Pastor Costa will begin a series for North America entitled Esperanza en Jesus (Hope in Jesus) as a part of the It Is Written Hope Awakens series which began April 17. The series can be watched at