Author: Michael Pelletier

Blessings in Bolivia

The excitement of traveling to foreign lands is a lure for many, and sharing the everlasting gospel is what we all have been commissioned to do. But to have the opportunity to do both can be a dream come true. It Is Written’s mission trip to Cochabamba, Bolivia, in April offered just that opportunity, and 68 people jumped at the chance.

A Bolivian woman walks down the street.

Cochabamba is a sprawling city of one million inhabitants, nestled within the Andes mountains in central Bolivia. With a consistent, moderately warm climate year-round, it was the perfect location to assist the Central Bolivia Mission with their 2022 major evangelism efforts that culminated at the conclusion of the special week we were there—Holy Week, leading up to Easter.

Our large group consisted of 48 from the Greeneville Adventist Academy (GAA), in Greeneville, Tennessee, as well as 20 others from different parts of the US, including five from Ouachita Hills Academy in Arkansas, and myself, my wife, and our four children. After working through the initial logistical issues of transporting nearly 70 people to various locations around the city, we settled into our different tasks. Following in the steps of Jesus as He healed and preached, not only were we able to do what It Is Written does best—preach—but we were also able to have a vision clinic and a general medical clinic that served over 1,000 people in five different sites throughout the city. 

Dr. Brad Emde fits a patient with glasses.

The eye clinic was run by GAA and led by Dr. Brad Emde, whose wife Angela organized the GAA group. They treated over 800 patients and were able to provide a pair of prescription glasses and much needed sunglasses to each patient. Many people suffer from vision problems in Bolivia owing to its geographical location and high altitude. One very grateful woman brought a large squash as gift for her treatment. 

The group also visited the Uyuni Salt Flat in Bolivia.

The general medical clinic treated about 400 patients, was led by Dr. Martin Kelly, and consisted of a comprehensive team of many nurses, a pharmacist, a laboratory technician, and a nutritionist, as well as a team of massage therapists. Countless patients were brought to tears by the prayers offered for them at the end of every consult. One young man arrived to the health clinic with his young daughter. When Dr. Kelly listened to his lungs, he heard a severe case of pneumonia. The man didn’t realize the gravity of his situation and had no means to seek medical help, until he heard of the free clinic that day. Praise God he was given the proper medication just in time to save his life!

It Is Written mission trips are all-encompassing as we offer not only medical and preaching, but also opportunities to help local churches with construction. Two teams of 34 workers helped to build one church, Villa Concepcíon, that was under construction and paint another, Villa Parador. Much goodwill was spread in those two communities through the team’s tireless efforts. 

GAA members work on church construction.

With the large group that we had, we were able to preach in 10 church sites on Sabbath mornings and nightly for one full week. There were 50 baptisms resulting from the team’s preaching, and hundreds more responded to nightly altar calls, making commitments to be baptized in the near future! I had the privilege of baptizing Julieta, a 40 year-old mother of two young teens. Her husband had left her for another woman last summer, and then two months later she was diagnosed with cancer. Her life was in shambles. The words of Jesus that were shared, and our constant prayers, meant everything to her. Through much tears of joy, she expressed how she now faces what once was a bleak future with a renewed hope, a strong faith in Jesus, and a new church family for support. 

Pastor Michael Pelletier baptizes a woman during the final meetings.

There was no better way to finish the week than to gather together on the final Sabbath for a live, televised event that was broadcast throughout South America. At the event, 5,000 gathered to hear music (including the wonderful GAA choir), witness baptisms, and listen to the preaching of Pastor Robert Costa of Escrito Está. Overall, more than 2,500 precious souls were baptized in the city of Cochabamba in the month leading up to, and including, this event. Thousands of lives were positively touched in a short period of time. What a fun way to share the gospel!   

Read about Pastor Costa’s Bolivia campaign in Spanish on the Escrito Está website.

Michael Pelletier is the It Is Written Planned Giving representative for the Northeast.

The GAA choir prepares to sing.

Thousands Receive Sight at Annual It Is Written Eye Camp

Editor’s Note: Eyes for India is the long-running It Is Written initiative restoring sight to the blind through cataract surgeries in India. Every year, Dr. Jacob Prabhakar, ophthalmologist, and his medical team hold an eye surgery camp at a temple in Northern India. He shares the following report from the recent event held in January.

Dr. Jacob Prabhakar examines a patient’s eye.

The temple camp conducted every year in a remote village—Hariakol of Barabanki, in the most populous and poverty-stricken Indian state of Uttar Pradesh—is the highlight of all community services rendered by the Ruby Nelson Memorial Hospital. This unique mega eye camp (resumed for the first time since 2020 due to the pandemic) creates a tremendous impact, in that Hindus steeped in superstitious beliefs acknowledge Christ’s methods of medical ministry and are convinced that this kind of phenomenal healing they witness year after year is possible only through a God who is very much foreign to them. Praise God for this window of opportunity!

Despite a cold, misty night and a 24-hour journey in the It Is Written-gifted bus, loaded heavily with medical supplies and equipment, navigating at times through zero visibility, the spirit and enthusiasm of the medical team was not dampened. Their commitment to serve the poor against all odds is a blessing.

A man waits for his cataract surgery.

Patients also traveled long distances in the biting cold, mostly on foot, carrying the blind and the disabled either on shoulders or makeshift beds, while others reached the campsite on two-wheelers, buses, or trains. To these marginalized poor in the far-flung areas of North India, the free eye camp is a flickering ray of hope that will make their dream of restored sight come true. This drives them to brave the risks and challenges of an arduous journey through forest lands in inclement weather.

We are motivated to complete these camps by the high success rate of a seemingly simple cataract surgery that can drastically transform lives. Having understood the importance of holistic health, the temple priests, volunteers, and camp organizers are receptive to the distribution of spiritual and health literature and health and hygiene talks.

Dr. Jacob looks over patients before their surgeries.

The eye clinic opened early every morning. We screened, on average, 500 people every day and carefully selected for surgery the bilaterally blind—those with hypermature, hard cataracts which over time will turn into a permanent, painful blind eye. The selected patients then undergo a detailed preoperative workup and undergo surgery for cataracts, wherein they are implanted with an intraocular lens, under sterile conditions.

The pandemic necessitated the implementation of additional safety protocols such as rapid COVID-19 antigen screening tests, social distancing, and vaccination mandates. The provision of COVID PPE kits and other safety preparedness, a thoughtful and kind gesture of It Is Written, kept the medical team safe under the circumstances.

Dr. Jacob performs a brief cataract surgery on a patient, restoring their eyesight.

The backlog of patients encountered this year loomed greater than before, on account of the ongoing pandemic, which kept those who needed help indoors and prevented them from seeking timely medical attention. Moreover, the surgeries were also reduced to 200 per day due to the COVID restrictions on spacing of beds. It was truly a sad moment when nearly 2,000 patients registered for surgery had to be turned away for want of time and surgical supplies.

Despite these setbacks, a total of 2,628 people received the precious gift of sight. Praise God! The operated patients with sight restored beamed with joy as their hearts swelled with sincere gratitude to the It Is Written sponsors. They left the camp praising God, knowing that they can now lead independent lives and earn their livelihood. 

God has been gracious and merciful in helping us make a difference by touching lives and restoring sight. It has brought health and healing not only to the receiver but a greater blessing of joy and achievement to the giver as well. 

Thank you, It Is Written, for this amazing ministry in enabling us to reach the unreached.

Learn more about Eyes for India here. Support Eyes for India with a fundraiser kit, which includes everything you need for a successful fundraiser. The kit is free; only pay for shipping. Order one by clicking here.

Dr. Jacob (front left) and his medical staff.

Sharing Jesus in Guatemala

In October, a small Escrito Está team traveled to Guatemala to distribute water filters to a community desperately in need of them. We also joined a local radio station to share solar-powered radios with the Kekchi people, giving them access to Escrito Está programs translated into their native language! 

It all began with a recently baptized young couple who wanted to share the gospel in a small community in southern Guatemala. A friend from a small village in Moyuta told Anthony, “If you want to do service, please remember my town, it needs as much help as it can get.” After visiting a village in Moyuta called Palos Abrazados (hugged trees), Anthony and Angie realized their friend was right.

Despite government efforts, the people there live in extreme poverty. Many work in agriculture and only earn between $2-4 a day. Anthony and Angie started visiting once a month and invited other young people to come and serve. The amount of work grew so much, they created a non-profit organization called Familias con Futuro (Families with a Future). Now, every month a group of young people travel 2.5 hours from Guatemala City to Moyuta to spend time with the families there.They celebrate birthdays, play with the children, bring school supplies, organize health fairs, help repair homes, and other things.

Volunteers unpack the water filters.

For their most recent project, the volunteers decided to provide water filters to local families. They realized people did not have access to clean drinking water and were getting sick as a result. High heat and humidity only compounded the issue. Drinking water is essential for people who work under extreme heat and who have no AC in their homes, to stay hydrated; and for children to avoid illnesses, such as cholera. In February 2021, Escrito Está joined forces with the church to support this initiative. 

Thanks to various donations, 300 families, the entire community of Moyuta, received water filters this fall. We helped distribute the water filters and shared a special message: “God loves the people of Moyuta. You have not been forgotten. Every time you drink of this water, remember the One who has promised to give you the water of life. If you drink from it, you will not thirst again. Trust in the love of Jesus.”

As he received his water filter, one person from the community expressed, “Thank you for what you have done for our community, for coming all the way here to show us the love of Jesus.” Another lady stated, “I thought Jesus had forgotten me. This means so much to my family, thank you!” Alejandro, one of the community volunteers, said: “Thank you for supporting this project. Seeing an organization like Escrito Está coming to Guatemala to help a small group of volunteers serving in a poor community defines what church should be. I’m very encouraged and will continue helping my community with more fervor than ever.”

Our next stop was in Chicanutz, a small village in the middle of the mountains populated by the Kekchi, a native Guatemalan community. It was an eight-hour trip north from Guatemala City. Roads are rough and not all cars can enter the area. We traveled along with members of Unión Radio Guatemala, a radio station that covers most parts of the country and broadcasts Escrito Está programs. They recently began broadcasting in the central part of the country, where there is a large Kekchi population.

Approximately half a million people speak Kekchi. A local volunteer is translating the daily devotionals, Una Mejor Manera de Vivir, and our half-hour programs into the Kekchi language for his community. We called this trip “Una Mejor Manera de Vivir para los Q’eqchies” (A Better Way to Live for the Kekchis).

There is no electricity in the area. The only building that has a generator is the small church, and they only turn it on during worship hours on Saturdays. Only a few people in this community know how to speak Spanish fluently. Having Christian content that they can understand is essential for their spiritual growth. 

Oscar Cucúl is a Bible worker who has been pastoring the kekchi community. He is a Kekchi himself and feels that God has called him to look over and train new disciples to continue his work. He said, “I wish I had met Jesus when I was younger. Before coming to Christ, I was a homeless man. I only learned of the gospel when I was 39 years old. My dream is to have a school of discipleship to train young Kekchis how to share the gospel. I’m getting older and the day will come when I won’t have the strength to continue. This is the greatest burden in my heart.”

Oscar provides translation.

During worship service, Oscar was our interpreter, playing a key role in our connection with the community. We were received with smiles and a lot of love. B’antiox was one of the easiest words to learn, which means “thank you.” Children were shy but curious when they saw our cameras. The congregation proceeded to sing from the Spanish hymnal, many not understanding what they were singing. Can you imagine singing to God without understanding what you are saying to Him?

The weather was very humid and hot. We only stayed for a few hours due to the threat of rain, which would cause us to be stuck due to the poor roads. We delivered the radios and hurried to the next group that lived further up the mountain. The second group is a growing church, but they meet in someone’s house because they don’t have a church building. There was no AC and the room was dark. The locals were very excited to receive us and prepared a delicious soup for us to have for lunch.

During each short visit, we spoke about the importance of sharing Jesus and learning of His Word, then distributed the solar-powered radios. Many rushed to unbox because they wanted to learn how to use them. The people were excited to discover that they could listen to sermons in Kekchi and look forward to receiving more content in their native language.

Further above the mountains, there is a third group. It was starting to rain, so we were not able to visit them. We left Oscar in charge of distributing the remaining solar-powered radios and training locals how to listen to the Christian programs. 

Although this trip was a great achievement, it is only the beginning of an important mission: creating more content that can reach areas that are yet to hear the gospel in their tongue. Let us continue to pray for people like Oscar who are in a vast mission field. Let us continue to support the creation of more content in different languages. 

Thank you for your support of Escrito Está in making these donations possible. You are also helping in the translation of more content into the kekchi language.  Together we can reach many more people with the good news of Jesus and provide a better way to live for the Kekchis.

The people hold up their new radios in their church building.

Giving Tuesday 2021: Donate Today & Support All Year Long

We recently concluded Revelation Today: The Great Reset. After watching the series, Kate shared this with us:

“I have been out of the church now 25+ years. I have listened to every message from the seminar, and I want you to know I have made the decision to come back to God. I will be baptized next month. Thank you most of all for allowing God to use you as a messenger of his true love for me. I praise God for directing me to your message of truth. I can’t wait to be baptized!”

Wow! That’s why we, together, do what we do. Your support of It Is Written makes it possible for testimonies like this to be shared.

Donate Now

On this Giving Tuesday, we’d love for you to make a gift today and enable It Is Written to continue sharing the gospel around the world through television programs, mission projects, online and in-person evangelism, and faith-sharing resources.

When you make a gift of any amount on #GivingTuesday, November 30, you will receive a FREE Digging up the Truth DVD Set as a thank you. In these two programs, archaeologist Dr. Michael Hasel joins Pastor John Bradshaw and shares important archaeological discoveries from Israel, showing how archaeology proves the reliability of the Bible.

In addition, Pastor John will broadcast live from the It Is Written Facebook page to say thank you and share an inspiring testimony or two. Join him LIVE on Tuesday, November 30, at 1:30 p.m. EST.

Ways to give:

1. Click the donate button above.

2. Call 800-479-9056.

3. Mail a check or cash donation marked “Giving Tuesday” to It Is Written, PO Box 6, Chattanooga, TN, 37401.

Here are other ways to support It Is Written throughout the year:

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Order an Eyes for India mission kit.

There are endless ways that you can raise funds to support It Is Written projects like Eyes for India. Whether it’s a church fundraiser, small group project, or birthday activity, you can make a big difference in the lives of others and have a great time doing it. This kit provides everything you need to make your fundraiser a success!

Learn more about the Eyes for India kit »

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 Visit our donate page » or call 800-479-9056 to get started.

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Hispanic Heritage Month: Learn More About Escrito Está

In the summer of 1899, two Bible workers approached the home of a local Spanish-congregation pastor in Arizona. Upon discovering that he was bilingual, they asked if he could teach them Spanish so they could further their ministry in the area. Language studies turned into Bible studies, and the pastor discovered the truth of the Sabbath! He was baptized and joined the Bible workers and other believers to reach the Hispanic community in the area, establishing the first Hispanic church of its kind in North America by the end of the year.¹

The work of reaching the Spanish-speaking world continues today with Escrito Está, the Spanish-language ministry of It Is Written. Since its inception in 1994, under the leadership of Dr. Milton Peverini then Pastor Robert Costa, Escrito Está has grown to reach the whole world with the gospel through television, radio, print, and online media! Click here to read more about the history of Escrito Está »

Escrito Está offers six television programs, including daily devotionals, Sabbath School lessons, and a 30-minute weekly program much like It Is Written. Numerous Spanish resources, including our Bible Study Guides, are available from the It Is Written Shop. 

Resources Sale:

Through October 14, take 25% off all Spanish resources with coupon code BVHA77. Click here to shop »

Here’s a glimpse of places Escrito Está has filmed in around the world:


Before the Supreme Court of Guatemala






Revelation Today: The Great Reset to Start October 8

Decorative imageBeginning October 8, It Is Written will air Revelation Today: The Great Reset. Pastor John Bradshaw, It Is Written president, will present the full-length evangelistic series from the Chattanooga First Church. Viewers may register and watch at Promotional material may be found at

Revelation Today: The Great Reset is the final series of ACTS 20:21, a multi-year evangelism campaign by It Is Written in partnership with North American churches. “When society locked down,” said Bradshaw, “It Is Written ramped up with Hope Awakens. We followed it with series after series, touching on prophecy, health, revival, and prayer. We have seen many people come to faith in Christ as a result. And with Revelation Today: The Great Reset, we expect to see many more. This series is designed to respond to the turmoil we see in the world today with messages of hope.”

Revelation Today: The Great Reset is not the only evangelistic series It Is Written is launching in October. Eric Flickinger, It Is Written associate speaker, will present Which Way, America? in Rochester, Minnesota, and throughout the state. Donavon Kack, It Is Written evangelist, will deliver Revelation’s Urgent Call in San Antonio, Texas, and Robert Costa, of It Is Written’s Spanish-language ministry, Escrito Está, will conduct five evangelistic series between now and the end of the year. Including these events and their satellite campuses, It Is Written will conduct more than 250 evangelistic meetings in October.

Revelation Today: The Great Reset will continue through November 6 with 21 presentations.

It Is Written Welcomes New Evangelism Director

Headshot of Wes Peppers

Pastor Wes Peppers, the new It Is Written evangelism director

It Is Written welcomes Wes Peppers as the ministry’s new evangelism director. Wes replaces Yves Monnier, who accepted a call to serve as the ministerial and evangelism director for the Pennsylvania Conference. Wes began his new position in August.

Wes joins It Is Written from the Michigan Conference, where he served for 10 years as pastor, personal ministries director, evangelism coordinator, and associate ministerial director. Wes also has experience in international media evangelism from his time with Amazing Facts.

“We’re thrilled to have Pastor Wes Peppers join our team,” said John Bradshaw, It Is Written president. “He is an unusually gifted speaker and evangelist and has been extremely successful in pastoral and evangelistic ministry, as well as in administration. He has a love for souls that is obvious and infectious. It is a privilege to have someone of his caliber join us at It Is Written.”

As evangelism director, Wes will handle the creation and execution of the master plan of evangelism for It Is Written. Having done mission work in 35 countries, Wes is ready to lead the evangelism team as It Is Written continues to reach souls around the world with the gospel. 

“I love It Is Written, because it focuses exclusively on proclaiming the everlasting gospel and reaching the lost for Christ,” Wes said. “One of my greatest passions in life is sharing Christ with others through preaching, Bible study, and media programming. I love to train churches and members how to share their faith with others. I am looking forward to using the gifts and experiences God has given me to minister around the world through It Is Written while personally living in His grace and strength each day.”

Wes and his wife Marion felt a clear call from God to take the position. “Over a two-month span of time, there were a series of miraculous events that finalized our decision,” Wes said. “After several weeks of fasting and wrestling in prayer, God overwhelmingly confirmed that His will was for us to serve at It Is Written. We have all the confidence in the world that we are exactly where God wants us to be!” 

Wes and Marion, a musician, have been married for almost 17 years and are joined in ministry by their two children, Levi and Liana. 

For questions or evangelism resources, contact [email protected] or 844-WRITTEN (844-974-8836).

It Is Written Announces New Online Prayer Series to Start August 9

Starting August 9, It Is Written will present Connect, a new online series on effective prayer. Hosted by Pastor John Bradshaw, Connect will livestream on It Is Written TV, Facebook, and YouTube. Viewers are encouraged to register for Connect at to get access to exclusive giveaways. Promotional material may be found at

In Connect, viewers will learn how to pray more effectively, learn from model prayers in the Bible, understand what prevents prayers from being answered, and learn what prayer really is–and isn’t. Special guests will share inspiring stories of answered prayer, and the keys to biblical prayer will enable viewers to take their prayer life to a new level.

Connect is the latest series in ACTS 20:21, a full-cycle evangelism program for both churches and individuals. “Encouraging and equipping people in effective prayer is a huge need,” said Bradshaw. “And the current challenges in society give us a unique opportunity to point people to the God of heaven. This is a great way to reach out to people looking for more in their spiritual life.”

Connect will air at 7:00 p.m. EDT August 9-13. Viewers may watch on the It Is Written Facebook and YouTube pages, or on It Is Written TV. It Is Written TV is available on, Roku, Fire TV, Apple TV, and Google Play. Archives will be available on demand on Facebook and YouTube after the livestream.

Learn more about ACTS 20:21 at

It Is Written Remembers Dr. Milton Peverini, First Escrito Está Speaker

Dr. Milton Peverini García

Dr. Milton Peverini García on the set of Escrito Está in Thousand Oaks, California.

Dr. Milton Peverini García, global evangelist, author, and speaker, passed to his rest on Sunday, June 27, 2021, in California at age 88. Peverini García was the first speaker of Escrito Está, the It Is Written Spanish-language ministry. His ministry impacted countless thousands of lives for Christ.

Peverini García joined It Is Written 27 years ago, under the leadership of Mark Finley, former It Is Written speaker/director, and Royce Williams, evangelism coordinator at the time. The first Spanish-language program aired on April 5, 1994, followed by 160 television programs in the next 10 years and 90 songs recorded in Spanish. Peverini García held the position of Escrito Está associate speaker for 10 years, until his retirement in 2004. Under his leadership, the ministry of Escrito Está grew, expanding first to Chile in 1996, then Argentina, Costa Rica, and today, all of Latin America.

Robert Costa, the current speaker/director, joined Escrito Está in 2002 to help coordinate evangelism for the fast-growing ministry. Both originally from Uruguay, Costa recalls working with Peverini García in “perfect harmony and friendship.”

Costa shared his appreciation for the ministry of Peverini García. “On behalf of Escrito Está,” he said, “we want to express our gratitude, recognition, and tribute to Dr. Milton Peverini García for having been the first speaker of this ministry and, without a doubt, the Hispanic leader who has dedicated the longest time in his life to preaching through the mass media in our church. In both his radio and television programs and in his evangelistic campaigns, he exalted Jesus as the only hope for this uncertain world.”

“Dr. Peverini was a giant in ministry,” said John Bradshaw, It Is Written president. “The work he initiated with It Is Written laid the foundation for Escrito Está to become a major global force in evangelism and soul winning. His lifelong ministry will continue to live on, and the impact of his devotion to God will be felt throughout eternity.”

Peverini García is survived by his wife, Eunice; three adult children, Ricardo, Graciela, and Susana; six grandchildren; and one great-grandson.

New Sabbath School Content Available: Rest in Christ

The It Is Written Sabbath School program has launched new content for the third quarter! Host Eric Flickinger, It Is Written associate speaker, is joined by Rest in Christ quarterly authors Dr. Gerald and Chantal Klingbeil as they discuss each lesson study. The half-hour, weekly program is posted at the beginning of each week on It Is Written TV (on demand) and airs on Fridays and Saturdays on the It Is Written TV livestream (see schedule below). A short, daily lesson review is also available on It Is Written TV. Click here to watch Sabbath School.

Rest in Christ is the focus of the third quarter Bible study. Living in a world that keeps most people busy 24/7 can result in restlessness and fear in our lives. But resting in Christ is the key to the type of life that Jesus promises to His followers: “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly” (John 10:10, NKJV). Rest connects to salvation, to grace, to creation, to the Sabbath, to our understanding of the state of the dead, to the soon coming of Jesus—and to so much more.

A companion book to the Bible study is available for purchase from the It Is Written shop

Sabbath School airs on the It Is Written TV livestream at the following times (EDT):

  • Friday at 8:30 p.m.
  • Saturday at 7:00 a.m. 
  • Saturday at 10:30 a.m. 
  • Saturday at 1:00 p.m. 

It Is Written TV is available on, Roku, Apple TV, Amazon Fire, and Google Play.