Ministry partners joined with It Is Written to take high school students on a class trip to Moldova. While there, students conducted eye clinics, community service, and Vacation Bible School.
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Category: Updates
I received a question recently that didn’t surprise me at all. It was a sincerely-asked and very important question. The answer to the question was very simple. But I’m finding that more and more people need the reassurance that comes from basic Biblical answers to what can be simple yet very challenging questions.
His question was this:
“If you have sinned for a very long time, is God going to forgive your sins after you have confessed your sins?”
Reading that question, it isn’t hard to imagine it was written by someone who is struggling owing to feelings of guilt for sins committed and is under great conviction. It’s easy to imagine this question came from someone who feels bad about poor choices.
Thankfully, the Bible answers the question very succinctly.
1 John 1:9 says, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
That’s all there is to it, really.
Although, sin is a tricky thing. It’s not only wrong, and bad, and harmful, but it’s also deceptive. Like someone else’s glasses, sin affects your vision, causing you to see indistinctly. Guilt will cause you to see yourself in a way that God does not.
As bad as sin is–and it’s bad–sin in your life does not cause God to stop loving you, or to refuse to forgive you. Psalm 86:5 says, “But you, Lord, are good, and ready to forgive.” Jesus went to great lengths to communicate the importance of forgiveness when He spoke about this to His disciples. He told Peter, “‘I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven’” (Matthew 18:22). While speaking about the way people should extend forgiveness to each other, Jesus is allowing us to see how God extends forgiveness. He does so again, and again, and again, and…
Forgiveness shouldn’t be equated with a free ride. God’s willingness to forgive does not mean that He treats sin lightly. But the reason Jesus came into the world at all is to “save His people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21). As Paul wrote to the Corinthian church, “Christ died for our sins” (1 Corinthians 15:3).
The good news of the gospel is that God will forgive you, no matter what you have done and no matter how long you have been doing it. “All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men,” Jesus said in Matthew 12:31.
As basic as the subject is, an enormous amount of people have trouble believing God will forgive them. I know because I meet them. A woman I met once told me that she had been confessing a certain sin “many times a day” for more than fifty years. Do the math. Even if “many” was just “three” times a day, that’s more than a thousand times a year for fifty years. She had confessed a particular sin more than fifty thousand times! I saw her a few days after we spoke, and she told me that the night we talked she had her best night’s sleep in fifty years.
If you’re struggling with your own sinfulness, don’t add to that struggle destructive thoughts about God not being willing to forgive you. He is willing. He will forgive. It’s what He does. Knowing that God is a God of forgiveness does not mean He is not a God of justice. But in God, “Mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other” (Psalm 85:10).
As Hebrews 4:16 says, “Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.”
The question isn’t, “Is God willing to forgive me?” The answer to that question was settled thousands of years ago. The more pertinent question is, “Are you willing to be forgiven?” If the answer is yes, face the future with confidence and trust yourself to the forgiveness of a gracious, loving God.

Are you tired of giving gifts that wind up in the junk drawer by the New Year? This year, try giving them something of lasting importance that they will really love. has something meaningful for everyone on your list. Place your orders by December 19 for delivery by Christmas, and click each product title below to view it.
For the health nut
Price: $24.99
Three DVDs featuring John Bradshaw and Dr. John Westerdahl that will inspire you to eat better, live better, and feel better. Discover ancient foods of the Bible that will nourish and heal you, and may even help to reverse the aging process!
Price: On sale for $34.99, originally $54.99
John Bradshaw and Dr. Neil Nedley explore all areas of health, from physical fitness to beating diseases to emotional intelligence, in these eight programs.
Price: $19.99-$24.99
The Revive Cafe cookbooks each have 75 delicious vegetarian and plant-based recipes, including beautiful color photographs, step-by-step cooking charts, keys to healthy living, and more. Purchase all 7 for a perfect gift for someone who’s trying to eat or cook more healthily.
For the kids
My Place With Jesus Bible Guide Set
Price: $10.99
Designed for ages 7 to 12, these 21 fun and easy lessons will teach the kids in your life how to enjoy studying the Word of God! Each lesson has beautiful illustrations, Bible-based questions and answers, and fun puzzles and activities. Don’t forget to add the Achievement Trail that will encourage kids to finish the lessons by tracking their progress with a fun sticker chart!
Price: $34.99 (on sale for $24.99 with coupon code MERRY10)
Have you ever wondered how to get kids excited about reading the Bible? The new My Place With Jesus Bible is packed with features that will engage and inspire them with a new love for God’s Word. From the reversible color-your-own dust jacket to the original illustrations throughout, this Bible will impress kids and parents alike.
P.S. The full My Place With Jesus Bible Guide Set is included in the back of the Bible!
Price: $12.99, on sale for $9.99 through December 21
John Bradshaw reads inspiring stories about our faithful, furry companions from Our Dog Friends by Ernest Lloyd. The whole family will love listening to these sweet stories featuring man’s best friend.
For the history buff
Price: Originally $89.99, on sale for $59.99
This nine-episode set celebrates the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. Follow John Bradshaw through Europe and New England as he retraces the steps of the Reformers and visits the major landmarks of the Reformation.
The Greatest Battle Ever Fought DVD and Book Set
Price: Originally $24.99, on sale for $19.99
This three-piece set explores the major themes of the Protestant Reformation and the great controversy between God and Satan. Music lovers and history buffs alike will appreciate the Fountainview Academy DVD, a musical journey through Europe and the major sites of the Reformation. John Bradshaw shares his inspiring personal testimony in The John Bradshaw Story. And the timeless book by Ellen White, The Great Controversy, follows the history of the world, starting with the fall of Satan and looking forward in time through the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation.
Price: $19.99
Desmond Doss, the central figure of Mel Gibson’s 2016 movie Hacksaw Ridge, was an inspiring war hero and a committed follower of Christ. The whole family can enjoy Faith on Hacksaw Ridge, a deeper dive into the personal history of Desmond Doss’s life and legacy.
For the Bible scholar
Price: $24.99
Anyone who leads a group Bible study or a Sabbath school class needs the Bible Study Q Cards in their lives. These 405 easy-to-use cards make studying the Bible fun and engaging for groups of all ages.
The It Is Written Bible Quiz Book
Price: $8.99
Test your knowledge of the Bible with 750 trivia questions. Have a friendly competition with the family to see who can answer more questions correctly, or let kids entertain themselves quietly on Sabbath afternoons. This is a gift that Bible scholars of all ages will love!
Price: $29.99-$59.99 (originally $49.99 – $74.99)
These beautiful New King James Version Bibles will make a fantastic gift for anyone in your life. Available in black genuine leather and lavender or chestnut leathersoft binding, this Bible will inspire a new love for the Word of God. Have a name or message imprinted on the cover for just $10 to make this a true standout gift.
Orders may be made online or by calling 888-664-5573.
When It Is Written moved from Southern California to the Chattanooga area in 2014, we did not fully understand the blessings in store for us. After much prayer, research, advice, and more prayer, we moved to an area with wonderful people, a lower cost of living, close proximity to both students and volunteers, and a large number of churches to live and work among.
Anyone who has visited our temporary location on Bonny Oaks Drive in Chattanooga has seen that we are incredibly tight on space. We have converted closets, corners, and hallways to offices and are still bursting at the seams. We are unable to film many of our productions in our current studio, and we cannot add the staff we need to produce these new programs in our current space. So, with your support and God’s blessings, we are building the new It Is Written headquarters.
The groundbreaking was in July 2017 and was followed by earthworks. Building construction began in May and has progressed as fast as the weather and various construction needs have allowed. As I write this, trucks are preparing to roll in and pour concrete on the second floor. With the steel framing up, it is really starting to look like a proper building.
We do not know exactly when we will be able to move in, but when we do, we will be able to create more, record more, develop more, and evangelize more. We will be able to reach more children with the My Place With Jesus resources. The new It Is Written TV channel will continue to grow and share the gospel around the world. New programs will be developed, recorded, edited, and broadcast from this new home.
So far, about 70 percent of the funds needed to complete the building have been raised. Investing in the new It Is Written Ministry headquarters is an investment in evangelism and soul-winning. In fact, it is an investment in everything that It Is Written will do as we embrace the opportunities God presents to us. Thank you for your prayers and support of this vital work!
Click here to donate toward the building project or keep up with construction updates.
Here are six short stories from our mission trip to Pretoria, South Africa.
Eavesdropping Custodian
Pastor Justin Lyons’ nightly presentations were heard by a person he was not even aware was present: the custodian of the church where the series of meetings were held. Outside in the shadows, the custodian sat, listened, and learned. His heart was so moved that on the night when Pastor Lyons invited people who wanted to be baptized to come forward, he stepped into the church and came forward. I guess some eavesdropping is actually very good.
Found Purse
One of our volunteers took a taxi to run some errands. Unbeknownst to her, her wallet fell out of her purse while riding the taxi back to the hotel. This is a story that had the potential to have a very costly and stressful ending. However, God preserved the wallet from being found by the wrong person. The next person to ride that very same taxi was none other than another member of our evangelism team. God is good.
Balcony Audience
Pastor John Bradshaw’s meetings were held outdoors in a park surrounded by apartment buildings. Hundreds of people from the community attended every night. The best thing, though, was seeing people with their windows open or standing on their balconies listening to Pastor Bradshaw preach. Can’t beat a location like that.
Christ’s Method
A wonderful Christian writer wrote: “Christ’s method alone will give true success in reaching the people. The Savior mingled with men as one who desired their good. He showed His sympathy for them, ministered to their needs, and won their confidence. Then He bade them, ‘Follow Me.’” Two of our volunteers did just that. First, they went to grocery store and bought bags full of groceries, and then began to deliver food to poorest of the poor in a squatter community. The response of the people was: “No one has ever done that for us,” followed by some joyful spontaneous singing and dancing.
Powerful Prayer
Our video projectors have American plugs. In order to use them in South Africa, we had to purchase an adapter. When Donna, one of our volunteer preachers, plugged in her video projector, the adapter started to spew sparks. She immediately pulled it out from the outlet and wiggled it to make sure that it was properly connected. Then she plugged it again but it did the same. Without the adapter, no sermon slides. Disaster. So, Donna invited everyone present to pray with her. According to a witness, it was one of the most powerful prayers he ever heard. As soon as she said “Amen,” she plugged the adapter in the outlet again and NO problem. The presentation went forward without any more glitches. However, once the presentation was done, the adapter quit working again. Don’t tell me God doesn’t take care of little things too.
Get Help!
Our medical team has seen hundreds of patients. Though limited in what they are allowed to do, they are still doing an amazing job. Case and point is the young man who came to our makeshift clinic in a poor section of Pretoria. After listening to the young man, the doctor did a quick exam and discovered that his cervical, axillary, and inguinal lymph nodes were swollen, firm, and non-movable. A strong sign that this dear man had cancer. The doctor passionately recommended that he get help at the hospital immediately. Before letting him leave, the doctor prayed with the man, connecting him to the Great Physician.
This past weekend at our It Is Written Partnership event in Orlando, Florida, I was told an incredible story I want to share with you. You’ll be amazed and blessed as you read.
My friend Adriana Pasos told me that some months ago she attended a seminar in Georgia. She met a woman–whom I’ll call Maria–who had come from California to attend. “Couldn’t you have attended a seminar like this in California?” Adriana asked. Maria replied that although she could have, she felt the change of scenery would be good for her, and that Atlanta would provide her with an opportunity to get away from home and learn the material without distraction.
She shared with Adriana that she came to the United States from Mexico when she was a teenager. Adriana replied by telling her that she too had come to the United States from another country when she was younger.
“I came from Romania,” Adriana told Maria.
Maria then shared more of her experience.
“For some time, I was battling depression, and I began to feel like I had no reason to live. I thought about ending my life. But then I found a television program called It Is Written. I started watching regularly and found new reasons to live. God truly changed my life through the It Is Written program. I found a hope I had never had before.”
As you can imagine, I was encouraged when Adriana told me this. We’re always encouraged when we hear about God touching lives–and saving lives–through the ministry of It Is Written.
But then the story became even more amazing. Maria continued.
“I visited It Is Written’s website, and saw a book that interested me. It was called Hope in Present Danger. I bought the book, and through that book God gave me strength to face each new day. The book was a lifeline to me. It was the story of someone who, like me, came to this country…”
Maria paused.
“Wait,” she said. “The woman in that book came to the United States from… Romania.”
Maria stared at Adriana in disbelief.
“Was that you I’ve been reading about?” she asked. “Did you write that book?! Is it your story that helped me so much?!”
After watching It Is Written and deciding not to give up on life, Maria read a book she found on It Is Written’s website that gave her strength and encouragement. And at a seminar three time zones away from her home, she sat down next to the very person who had written that book, her lifeline.
There were tears, smiles, hugs, and a realization that the God of heaven really is an amazing God.
Just a few weeks ago, Pastor John Bradshaw, It Is Written staff, and 74 volunteers converged in the Philippines to conduct 57 two-week Bible presentation series as part of a big Philippines for Christ evangelism project. As a result, 3,147 people have been baptized and more are preparing to make that commitment.
The It Is Written evangelism team was composed of pastors, retirees, students, teachers, health professionals, business people, and entrepreneurs with one thing in common: a passion to share Jesus with others. The meetings conducted were held in churches of all sizes, basketball courts, rooftops, rented halls, outdoor spaces, warehouses, streets, and alleys. The evangelists went to the streets, where the people live. And many people responded, especially smiling young people. Not only did the people attend, but they also responded positively to the nightly presentations. Countless made decisions to make Jesus the Lord of their lives.
Benilda, unsatisfied with the church of her parents, went on a quest to find the right place for her to worship and walk with Jesus. Over the years her search was fruitless. One day, recently, when riding public transportation she overheard a conversation between two people. They were talking about an exciting series of Bible meetings being held nearby. Her curiosity got the best of her, and so she interrupted the two ladies and asked if it would be okay for her to attend the meetings. That night, Benilda was present as Dale, one of the volunteers, preached his heart out. When he made the appeal for people to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior, Benilda responded. She attended all the following meetings and declared that she had found what she was looking for all these years.
Pearl, another of our preachers, noticed that one of the people attending her meetings was a man who always wore a mask. Many people in Manila wear masks outdoors because of the pollution, but he kept his on when he came indoors. Pearl was curious, so after a meeting, she caught up with the man. He told her his name was Danilo and that he was very thankful for the messages she was sharing. Pearl asked him why he wore the mask indoors. With sadness in his eyes, he explained that he hides his face because of ugly boils. Pearl immediately asked if she could pray for him. He said yes. And so she prayed for God to heal Danilo of his boils. A few nights later Pearl noticed that Danilo was missing. Actually, he wasn’t. She hadn’t recognized him because he had removed his mask. His face had no boils, just a big bright smile. Danilo, like many others, is preparing himself for baptism.
Tina, a volunteer preacher from Tennessee, was on her way to her nightly meeting when she was invited to a funeral service being held near her preaching site. When she arrived, she was told that the family wanted her to say a few words. With fear and trepidation, she stood before the crowd—but that’s when the Holy Spirit took over. With much compassion in her heart, Tina talked about the love of Jesus and how He had conquered death at the cross. It was an impromptu message, but it touched the hearts of many unbelievers.
God works in so many amazing ways to reach people. He empowers humble vessels to do it because, as Paul put it, “When I am weak, then I am strong” 2 Corinthians 12:11. Our It Is Written team has left the Philippines but the Philippines is still very much in our hearts. We went to be a blessing to others but in reality, we are the ones most blessed. Volunteers made some encouraging comments as they parted ways:
I have hope and renewed energy to work for souls back home and to encourage all, both young and old, to follow Jesus all the way. -Dean
All I can say is, “Praise the Lord!” I have to say that this was the most overpowering move of the Holy Spirit that I have ever experienced in my life. –Ed
This is one of the most blessed trips I have ever taken. –Rosemary
It Is Written is gearing up for its next evangelism mission trip to South Africa, October 4-21, 2018. We’d love for you to be a part of that very special experience. Please contact us at [email protected] to reserve your spot.
- Young people lead out in song service.
- The stadium was crowded on the last Sabbath that John Bradshaw preached.
- A man in a wheelchair was baptized with the help of many hands.
- A girl smiles excitedly as she prepares for baptism.
Several recent, high-profile tragedies have thrust an extremely painful subject into the forefront of the national consciousness.
In the United States, someone commits suicide every 11.5 minutes. And for every successful suicide attempt, there are 25 unsuccessful attempts. About 6,000 people commit suicide every year in the United Kingdom, but as bad as that is, there are more than 50 countries that have a higher suicide rate than Great Britain.
There are a lot of people hurting, a lot of people living without hope — and more than likely some of them are living within your sphere of influence. Most everyone has been affected by suicide, and it happens to people both in and out of the church.
Suicide is no respecter of age, race, gender, or social standing.
If you struggle with suicidal thoughts, or if you feel like your life is hopeless or that you don’t mean anything to anyone, you can know there are people who do care, and there are people who will help. And if you feel you need help, please ask for help. Speak to a physician. A teacher. A parent. A counselor. A pastor or other person with spiritual wisdom and experience.
I’d love to tell you faith in God takes away the kind of anguish that leads to suicide, but even people of faith can struggle. Mental illness and emotional struggles are real. So how do we approach this from a Biblical perspective?
Remember this: “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10. That’s God saying He’s there for you.
In life, it isn’t that we want the struggles taken away entirely. We want strength to get through our challenges, our dark times. God promises you that. Don’t cave in to that impulse to think you’re not worth anything or that you don’t matter. There’s a very real spiritual battle going on that everyone is caught in the midst of, a battle in which the devil wants people to lose hope in God.
A friend of mine, a man I’ll call Phil, felt like he simply couldn’t go on. He had made plans to end his life and was driving to the place where he intended to do so. For some reason, Phil stopped to fill his vehicle with gas. While he was pumping gas into his truck, a man he barely knew saw him and called his name. When Phil responded, the man asked him what he was doing the coming Tuesday night. “Well, I don’t have anything planned,” Phil replied.
“I’d like to invite you to a Bible study at my house,” the man continued. “I’d just love it if you could make it.”
Phil thought a moment. “Sure,” he said. “I’ll be there. Why not?”
Phil attended the study and went back again and again. He surrendered His life to Jesus and went on to dedicate many years of his life to being a youth leader in his church. Phil often preaches in his local church.
Depression, loneliness, despair, deep pain, and feelings of worthlessness can push a person into some dark places. But regardless of the circumstances in your life, there is hope, because God offers hope and a future. An eternal future.
Don’t lose hope. If dark thoughts crowd your mind, or if you know someone battling with depression, seek help. And lean on God.
National Suicide Prevention Hotline (United States): 1-800-273-8255
It Is Written is pleased to announce that its production team has won six Telly Awards. The Telly Awards honors excellence in video on all screens and received over 12,000 entries this year from all over the country and the world. It Is Written’s “A Lamp Unto My Feet” won a silver award in the General Biography category, competing against others like NBC Sports Group, CBS Sports, Telemundo, and In Touch Ministries. “Effective Prayer” won two bronze awards for General Religious/Spiritual and General Education. Another General Religious/Spiritual bronze award was given to “The Holy City.” “Rome and the Reformation” received a bronze award for General History. Escrito Está, It Is Written’s Spanish-speaking ministry, won a bronze award for “Desmond Doss: El héroe de Okinawa” (“Desmond Doss: The Hero of Okinawa”) in the General Religious/Spiritual category.
“I continue to be so proud of our entire team,” said Speaker/Director John Bradshaw. “This recognition shows not only that our It Is Written team is working at an extremely high standard, but that there’s a genuine commitment to excellence in ministry. Good work means successful ministry. Our staff, and those who make this ministry possible — our Partners and supporters — can know that we’re working as effectively as possible to reach souls for God.”
Watch the award-winning programs:
A new day of hope is dawning for thousands in and around Kansas City, Kansas. It Is Written is working with area churches in two states and three conferences to host a Revelation Today series presented by John Bradshaw starting next month. This is It Is Written’s first citywide evangelistic series for this growing town. The meetings will be held in the Jack Reardon Convention Center and streamed online.
Beginning March 30, 2018, Reach KC will bring together the many church members and new friends who have been working behind the scenes to build new relationships for eternity. As the meetings continue through April 28, new friends will become part of the network, strengthening existing churches, helping new churches to form, and nurturing the new flocks following the series.
“The best follow-up to any evangelistic series is the pre-work,” said Evangelism Director Yves Monnier. “We know friendship is key to closing the back door, and we’re encouraging all area members to get involved with a Reach KC project in your home church.”
Inspiring stories are pouring into It Is Written from the early contacts. Answering the call to be a part of Reach KC, Kathy* followed up on a lead card and met Sara at her home. Sara said she did not remember filling out the card, but upon further inspection the ladies were able to figure out that Peter, Sara’s husband, had filled out the card.
As God would design it, Peter arrived home at that exact time and encouraged his wife to join him in the Bible studies; Kathy happily helped them both get signed up. When they began studying, it became clear that Peter did not have a Bible. Kathy gave him one and soon realized from his excitement that this was the first Bible he had owned in his entire life. Peter was 94 years old and he lives in urban United States! Peter eagerly anticipated what he would learn from his new book. As he continued studying his own Bible, Peter fell in love with Jesus. He loved what he is learning so much that he has asked to be buried with his Bible but quickly added, “I’m in no hurry to die!”
Now is the time to pray for the entire series. For well over a year now, It Is Written representatives and local church members have been reaching their local communities through targeted events, small group gatherings, and one-on-one Bible studies. The meetings starting March 30 will solidify the decisions many people have already made for Jesus Christ and challenge others who are still waiting to make a decision. We are excited to be a part of making new friends for Jesus in Kansas City!
Over the next several weeks leading up to this series, check this blog site often for updates and stories about how God is working. We have a lot of stories to share already!
*All names are changed.