Category: Events

God at Work in Rome

God at Work in Rome

Amelia’s life was spiraling out of control because of repeated bad decisions. She’d been away from God for over 20 years. A few weeks ago, she woke up in the middle of the night with a deep impression that God was calling her. Moved that God still had an interest in her, Amelia told her Christian sister about the nighttime encounter. That’s when her sister invited her to a series of Bible presentations at her church entitled, “Il Futuro É Una Storia Belissima” (The Future Is a Beautiful Story) with Pastor John Bradshaw. The first presentation particularly touched her heart as Pastor John talked about his own journey and how he found peace and joy in God. Amelia later confided to her sister that it was so fortunate that this Bible series is happening just after her nighttime encounter with God.

Fortunate? We don’t think so. It’s by divine appointment that Pastor John is presently in Rome, Italy, and that Amelia, like many others, is attending this eye-opening two-week series. Every night so far, the church has been full of people from all walks of life and different cultures with one thing in common: a desire to genuinely know God’s will for their lives.

Pastor John Bradshaw and his translator, Gianfranco Irrera, present at the church on weekends.

An enthusiastic audience enjoys John’s messages.

Home meetings are off to a great start!

Of course where good things are happening, the devil has to show up and attempt to disrupt it all. He almost succeeded on opening night. Before the meeting started, all the technology (video and audio) worked seamlessly. Everything had been tested multiple times. However, when the meeting started the video projector ceased to function. The tech guys did all the stuff tech guys do but to no avail. Thank God there was a second video projector in the building that was quickly connected and the program forged ahead. Bad luck? No. The enemy of God at work. But where God is present, the devil will never prevail.

Instead of doing the meetings at the church during the week, we are doing them in people’s homes across the city. Why? After a long day’s work it’s more convenient for people to go to a place near their home. Last night we were at the home of Carlo and Lucia. We weren’t sure what to expect. To our astounding surprise, over 60 people squeezed into an apartment to hear Pastor John teach (the photo doesn’t show the people behind John and in the other room). People in Rome are hungry for the Word of God.

Please keep our meetings in your prayers.  And please remember Amelia and all the guests searching and seeking a better life in Christ. Our meetings run every night until May 19.

No Card, No Problem

Revelation Today: A New Day Is Dawning — Updates From Kansas City

We are on the homestretch of our Revelation Today series in Kansas City. The Holy Spirit has used Pastor John Bradshaw powerfully to speak to the hearts of people. In inspired verbal strokes, he has painted a clear picture of the imminent return of Jesus. As a result, Steve, like many others, is making life-changing decisions.

Elizabeth, Steve’s wife, is so excited about her husband’s spiritual progress. Six months ago, she would never have imagined witnessing this kind of miracle unfold before her eyes. He simply wasn’t interested in attending a series of meetings like this before. During the weekend meetings, he sits right next to her near the front. He cannot attend during the week because of the distance of his work from Kansas City but he watches the meetings via live stream at his home. He has not missed one presentation.

The other night I was glancing at the decision cards and noticed that Steve had made a decision for baptism. I was so happy that I went looking for him to congratulate him. No Steve. However, I found Elizabeth and asked her where Steve was. “Oh,” she said, “he’s not here.” “He’s not here?” I responded. “Then how did he fill out this card?” That’s when I noticed that twinkle in Elizabeth’s eyes. With the biggest smile I have ever seen, she explained that he texted her the responses he wanted on the card and on his behalf she turned the card in. He wasn’t about to let distance prevent him from letting Jesus know what his decision was. No card, no problem.

This is just one of the many amazing stories unfolding in Kansas City. Decisions are being made and people are being baptized. And this coming Saturday, it will be Steve’s turn.

Man baptized at Revelation Today in Kansas City

Decisions are being made for baptism. Soon many more people will be baptized, including Steve.

Woman baptized at Revelation Today in Kansas City

Some names have been changed.

The Big Picture

Revelation Today: A New Day Is Dawning — Updates From Kansas City

Our Revelation Today meetings in Kansas City are well underway, and God’s word continues to impact the lives of those who attend. For over a year, Bible workers have been preparing the area through one-on-one Bible studies, prayer meetings, and smaller evangelism campaigns. The stories from the meetings are pouring in, and we wanted to share a few of them with you.

After one of the meetings Abigail was talking with her friend Evelyn. Evelyn shared that her picture of religion was a constant message of, “You don’t measure up.” The two discussed that the true gospel message is a message about Jesus and acceptance. Evelyn had always had a hard time studying the Bible–it never made sense or she didn’t get anything from it. But Abigail reminded her that she needed to only look for one thing, the big picture: “That’s what John does,” Abigail said, referring to Pastor Bradshaw’s evening meetings. “Each night he shares with us a Bible principle: trust God; God is for us; Jesus is with you. When you have the big picture,” she continued, “hang that picture in your mind so that it helps you every day of your life.” Evelyn mulled this over and then said, “John is hanging a lot of pictures in my mind this week!” She then shared how her mother had come to similar meetings in the past and would come home all excited. “I didn’t understand why she was so fired up. Now, I get it.”

Stephanie and her friend Olivia have been studying the Bible together for about a year. Every time they got together to study, and even when Olivia started going to church, she invited a neighbor, family member, or friend to join her. They almost always declined but she kept asking. During the weeks leading up to the start of the Revelation Today meetings in Kansas City, scheduling conflicts prevented Stephanie and Olivia from studying together like they usually did, and Stephanie was having a hard time reaching Olivia: “I began calling Olivia a week before the meetings started to remind her about them. She didn’t answer, so I left a message. I called opening night to invite her again but I had to leave another message. I texted her two more nights to let her know what the topics were for each meeting. Again, no response.

“On the fifth day of the meetings, Friday, I texted her and asked her if she was getting any of my messages, because it was unlike her to not respond back. A few minutes later she called me and explained that she had dropped her phone in water and it hadn’t been working. I told her about that evening’s Revelation Today topic, The Second Coming of Jesus, and gave her the location and time. Olivia said she was really interested in going but she had just gotten off work and looked terrible. I asked her where she was and she gave me the location. It wasn’t far from the convention center where the meetings were being held! ‘Get here, lady! I said, ‘This is a come-as-you-are-to-get-what-you-need’ kind of event, so come as you are to get what you need!’ Olivia responded, ‘All right, I’ll go.’ I greeted Oliva with a big hug, and we listened to the meetings together. Afterwards, she told me that she really needed to hear the message that Pastor Bradshaw shared: ‘I needed hope restored in my heart.’ I told her we that we all need more Jesus!  

“Olivia planned to come back the next night. And she did––but she didn’t come alone. Yes, after all the times that Olivia had invited people to our Bible studies and church, with no luck, she was finally able to bring a friend to one of the meetings! Both women enjoyed the presentation, and they look forward to the rest of the meetings.”

God is moving in Kansas City! Let’s keep praying for these meetings as they continue through the end of April.

Some names have been changed.

Off Script

Revelation Today: A New Day Is Dawning — Updates From Kansas City

Jane, a young professional, was invited to It Is Written’s opening night of Revelation Today in Kansas City on March 30. She came in very late because her GPS sent her around in circles for over an hour. She arrived so late that Pastor John Bradshaw was already two-thirds of the way through his presentation. A few moments after she settled in her chair, John said, “I wasn’t going to share this but I feel impressed to do so tonight.” He went on to share about a time he got lost and needed help navigating his way on a highway. “Remember I can see the big picture,” his wife, who was looking at the map on her phone, said to him when he called her for help. Pastor Bradshaw reminded the audience that God sees the whole picture and all we need to do is trust Him no matter what. As Jane left the meeting, she ran into the person who had invited her and told her with a smile that that story was exactly what she needed to hear that day. “I’m coming back tomorrow and I will be on time,” she added.

Jane is just one of the hundreds who are being tremendously blessed by Pastor Bradshaw’s timely messages. We have just completed four meetings and the presence of God is palpable. Whether it’s the main message or Scott Michael Bennett’s messages in songs, people are powerfully drawn to Jesus. After last night’s presentation on the final judgment, one of our attendees excitedly reported that she had never heard this message with such a Christ-centered emphasis. Pastor John repeated several times, “Jesus is our judge and appears before God FOR US.” For us: what a reassuring thought.

Jane heard it all because, as promised, she returned the next night and hasn’t missed a single presentation. Please keep Jane, everyone who is attending, and the It Is Written Revelation Today team in your prayers.

Names have been changed.

Stories from Reach KC: Time to Begin

Stories from REACH KC

For the past six weeks, we’ve been counting down to the beginning of the Revelation Today evangelism series in Kansas City. It’s time to begin, and Pastor John Bradshaw will kick off the event at the Jack Reardon Convention Center at 7 pm on Friday, March 30.

The community has been invited and people in the surrounding area will be able to view the program from their local churches. Topics will include: the trustworthiness of God, hope for a planet in crisis, the Messiah and the judgement, the United States in Bible prophecy, among others.

For over a year, area church members and It Is Written Bible workers have been preparing for these meetings through an initiative called Reach KC. Along the way, they have had many incredible encounters as God leads them to serve their community. Here’s a few more of those stories in their own words.

Ruth, a church member, tells how God turned her mistake into a blessing.

I was really overwhelmed as I followed up on Bible study interest cards. We had so many cards come in for our small team! My job was to drop off the Bible study lessons each week to whoever had signed up. I was dropping off the third lesson for Madison when she shocked me with a question, “What day is the Sabbath?” I asked her why she was asking and she showed me the lesson I had left with her the previous week. It was the lesson over the Sabbath! Oh no! Somehow in my hurry, I had accidentally grabbed the wrong lesson for her. This lesson comes up later because earlier lessons establish the groundwork for this amazing topic. I asked her to wait to complete the other lessons that led up to the one about the Sabbath. Amazingly, she agreed.

The weeks went on, and I learned a lot about Madison. She had been diagnosed with terminal cancer and was living with her heart wide open to know God. I learned that she did not want me to come into her home but was very excited to sit down at the library and study the Bible together. When we reached the lesson about the Sabbath she was so eager and had so many questions. We spent time in God’s word answering her questions, and she left the study excited to keep the Sabbath. I am so happy that God is able to use me, even when I make mistakes!

After she retired, Helen found herself missing opportunities to witness. So she decided to get involved with Reach KC. She shares her story:

In January of last year, I retired for the second time. Two weeks into retirement, I realized again that retirement does not allow me much interaction with other people. I quickly remembered that running errands and grocery shopping does not provide enough chances to share Jesus’ love. I missed the time I had spent in my job praying with and counseling my 500 employees.

I knew God had a solution and I began to earnestly seek the Lord about the situation. When It Is Written’s Reach KC program was presented at a church in Overland Park, Kansas, I thought that God was giving me the opportunity I had been praying for so I attended the training.

The pastor gave us pages of names from the community who had requested Bible lessons. As I scanned the list, I sent up a quick prayer that God would show me someone who really wanted to know His truth. One name popped out at me like it had a magnifying glass over it: Deanne Garfield.

My prayer partner, Christina, and I began our visits. Deanne was a wonderful Bible student, seeking truth and furthering hers and our relationship with the Savior. She was in poor health so we also discussed the benefits of a good diet and healthy lifestyle. There are 25 lessons in the It Is Written Bible study guides but around the tenth lesson, Deanne asked me what she had to do to be baptized.

Wow, I was so excited! What a joy to be asked that question! I asked her if she loved the Lord. She stated emphatically that she did, and I said that was the most important thing for baptism. The pastor visited her, and we finished all the lessons together. Finally, Deanne rejoiced as she came out of the waters of baptism. I don’t think there is any other experience that brings as much joy as seeing someone give their life to the Lord in public baptism. It would be hard to know who was more blessed, Deanne or me. I am so grateful that the Lord led me to meet and share together with Deanne!

Our workers continue to work for God in Kansas City. Please pray that God will bring the right people to attend these meetings and that hearts will be touched to make decisions for Jesus Christ.

Learn more about the meetings at

All names have been changed.

U.S. High School Students Touch Lives in Moldova

Written by Angela Emde, It Is Written Partner and trip sponsor

“Where should we go?” asked Angela, a high school teacher and It Is Written Partner. Her Tennessee Christian high school had made the decision last spring to take its students on an overseas mission trip. But to where? So Angela called Yves Monnier, Evangelism Director for It Is Written, and made some inquiries. Because It Is Written had already done mission trips in Moldova, it was a logical choice.

After doing a bit of quick research, the high school discovered that Moldova is a small country in Eastern Europe nestled between Romania and the Ukraine. Formerly part of the Soviet Union, Moldova overthrew communism in 1991. This small country has a struggling economy, making it the poorest country in Europe today. But where there is a great need, there is potential for a great harvest!

Fast forward almost one year. After months of fundraising and planning, twenty-six students and chaperones left East Tennessee on a warm February day, bound for chilly Moldova. While the weather there was snowy, blustery, and cold, the people of Moldova showered the students with the warmest love imaginable over the next eleven days, welcoming them into their churches, homes, and lives.

The mission work the students provided was multifaceted. During the day, the students and chaperones were divided into three teams. Two teams did community service in Cahul and in the surrounding villages of southern Moldova while a third team provided free vision clinics. In the evenings, the teams conducted two Vacation Bible School programs and an evangelistic series. The days were long but extremely rewarding!

Dr. Brad, optometrist, led his team in providing five vision clinics in five different churches throughout the week. These clinics provided free eye exams and glasses. Chaperones Kevin and Kezia (also It Is Written Partners) and Karyn led the pretesting and optical services. Students helped with pretesting, visual acuities, and eyeglass selection and fittings. At the end of the week, Dr. Brad and his team had seen 787 patients and dispensed approximately 765 pairs of glasses! These clinics helped the local churches build bridges with their community members. At one clinic site, the church members begged for the doctor to see just two more patients at the end of a long day. These two men had previously been afraid to set foot in the church because of their religious beliefs but were willing to come inside to get their eyes checked.

While Dr. Brad and his team were providing eye care, high school Principal Randy and wife Kathy and Pastor Alejandro and wife Suranny led two teams of students in community service in the various villages surrounding Cahul. Activities included cleaning houses, cutting wood, shoveling snow, passing out food to the poor, and visiting shut-ins and the homeless shelter. After the students distributed food at a homeless shelter, they sang, prayed, and gave a short talk. “When we were hugging them goodbye,” student Katie-Jane shared, “One of the ladies exclaimed with tears in her eyes, ‘We appreciate your visit more than the food. Nobody ever comes.’ This alone made me glad we went to Moldova–the only way for them to have visitors was for our school to go all the way across the world!”

In the evenings, the teams went to two different churches. At one church, Pastor Alejandro preached a week-long evangelistic series and his wife gave health talks. While Pastor Alejandro preached, a team of students led a Vacation Bible School program for the children. Another group of students led a similar VBS program at a neighboring church. The students quickly bonded with the Moldovan children. On the final Sabbath when the pastor made an altar call, many children from the Vacation Bible School programs as well as adults from the meetings came forward to dedicate their lives to Jesus and request baptism.

The group was grateful to be used by God to further His work among the people of Moldova.

Stories from Reach KC: One Week to Go

Stories from REACH KC

One week from now, It Is Written’s evangelism series will begin in Kansas City. From March 30 to April 28, It Is Written Speaker/Director John Bradshaw will be sharing the good news of Jesus with thousands at the Jack Reardon Convention Center. It Is Written representatives and Bible workers have been preparing the community for months in anticipation of this event. God is leading in each interaction, and there are no coincidences with Him. This week’s stories prove this point:

“What are the chances of this happening?” writes Bible Worker Jack. “Today while I was delivering Bible studies and inviting people to the meetings, I saw a man in the parking lot that I thought should get an invitation. I pulled the vehicle up near him and told him I was inviting some of his neighbors to a meeting at the Jack Reardon Convention Center and wanted to invite him too. He said his brother, Kevin, was the project manager there. Kevin–the one person who is always there trying to clean the building! What are the chances that out of all the people in the Kansas City area that I happen to run into and invite, that it would be the brother of the person who is working at the convention center?” The chances are high when you’re working for God.

Bible Worker Jennifer shares another “coincidence” story. In November, Jennifer made some tear-away flyers offering free It Is Written Bible studies and placed them in all of the public libraries in her territories. The first week of December, Jennifer received a phone call from a lady who had seen one of the fliers and was interested in the studies. Her name was Linda. The two set up a date and time to meet at the library where Linda had found the flyer because Linda was very hesitant to share any personal information. Jennifer met her and gave her lessons 1 and 3, which she enjoyed. They set up a time to meet again after the holidays, but the flu hit them both and the appointments were postponed several weeks. Still, Linda faithfully called Jennifer almost every week wanting more information, and the two had several good conversations and prayers together on the phone.

A few weeks ago, Jennifer and her friend Jack were making visits to people who had responded to It Is Written television programs. As they approached one house, Jennifer commented on the interest cards, “Oh this lady’s name is Linda. I wonder if it is the same lady I’ve been meeting at the library?” No one answered so they left some cards. Later that day, Linda called Jennifer and uncharacteristically gave her home address so Jennifer could pick her up and the two could study together in person.

Jennifer writes, “When I got to the address, I realized it was the same home. Linda got in my car all excited and said, ‘Jennifer! Someone from It Is Written was at my house today and left me some cards! I couldn’t wait to tell you.’  We had a good laugh as I explained that it was me!” The two had a wonderful study together, and Linda has expressed an interest in meeting up to study further.

Isn’t it amazing how God works? God put the right person, in the right place, at the right time, to reach a specific person. These stories are just a sampling of all the appointments God has ordained in Kansas City, and we know there are more miraculous appointments to come. Join us in praying that God will bless as we begin our Reach KC meetings Friday, March 30, 2018.

Some names have been changed.

Mission Mongolia: Two Cities, One Mission

Mission: Mongolia - Two Cities, One Mission

We are promised in Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”  And when God sets those plans in motion, the enemy strikes, attempting to thwart the good intended.

Mongolia has a population of about three million people, most of which live in the capital city of Ulaanbaatar. Only about two to three percent of Mongolians are Christian, and most have never heard the name of Jesus.

That’s where our current mission trip to Mongolia comes in. Through March 25, 17 It Is Written volunteers and I are conducting medical clinics and evening seminars in two cities in Mongolia. In past trips, we have always worked in the capital city, but we wanted to share Jesus with some of the other cities as well. The original plan was to work primarily in Bulgan, hosting a medical clinic at a local church there, along with an evening “Jesus Talk” plus a children’s story and health feature. We were informed the Monday before we left that the plan had changed: a virulent livestock disease had broken out, and Bulgan was under quarantine!  

“No problem,” according to our fearless local leader, Enkhe! Plans were quickly made to work in two different cities, Erdenet and Darkhan, to conduct our clinics and evening Jesus Talks.

Please pray that people come to these evening meetings. It is illegal here to advertise this sort of a meeting so personal invitation and word of mouth are our only sources of advertising.

Below are updates and pictures from the first few days of our mission trip. 

Wednesday, March 14

We were 20 minutes from an uneventful landing in the capital city of Ulaanbaatar when the captain informed us that due to high winds (common in March-April), we would have to circle the city for 20-30 minutes longer and hope that the winds would subside long enough for a safe landing. The winds didn’t let up, however, so instead we had to fly to the Russian city of Irkutsk. After a three-hour layover in Irkutsk, we finally reboarded the plane and got into Ulaanbaatar about 7 pm local time. Thursday will be an orientation and sightseeing day as we acclimate to a new culture, temperatures, and time zone.

God is good! And He is on His throne, directing this mission trip.  We thank you for your prayers.

Thursday-Friday, March 15–16

Our group of 18 volunteers all safely arrived into Ulaanbaatar, and we’re slowly acclimating to the local time zone. Initially, it had been quite cold with a daytime high of 20°F and lows in the night of -1°F.  However, it is warming up (spring is almost here, too!), and yesterday it reached 40°F!

Following are pictures that show and tell more about the mission work here.

Saturday, March 17

On Saturday, we split into our two teams and headed to Darkhan and Erdenet to preach and interact some more with our local leaders and community members. I am leading the Darkhan team, and the Erdenet team is led by Dr. Gordon. Our local leader, Enkhe, helped plan and organize the mission trip with It Is Written Evangelism Director Yves Monnier. She has been a tremendous asset in providing translation and organization for this trip. We would not be here without her work and support!

Our meetings will be held Sunday-Friday, at 6 pm local time. Please pray that God will impress the hearts of those who need to hear His word. We cannot advertise the meetings, so it is only through personal invitation that people hear about them. Our meetings will include song service by the church (in Mongolian), then a translated health talk, and finally a translated Jesus talk.

Sunday, March 18

Isaiah 1:17 says, “Learn to do good. Seek justice. Help the oppressed. Defend the cause of orphans. Fight for the rights of widows.”

On Sunday, March, 18, we went to a local orphanage here in Darkhan to provide medical services. It is one of two orphanages in this city. This one is privately owned and operated and has been in existence since 2001. It currently has 40 children ranging in ages from 3-17. The orphanage runs solely on funds given by donors, primarily Japanese donors. They run a bakery, car wash, and tailor shop, and the kids all work in these industries as well.

We also learned that it is not possible to adopt children from this orphanage, and the director told us that she considers all of the children her own, even after they grow up and leave. They stay in touch when they go on to college and have families of their own. Many children go on to college in Japan, China, Germany, and elsewhere. We sense a lot of love on this campus from all the children and the staff. It was actually a very happy place; not sad or depressing at all. It was very evident that these children were very well loved and cared for. In addition to the medical work we provided, our team presented a financial gift to the director at the end of our day to help continue the great work that is being done in this orphanage.

At the end of our visit, we were treated to a 40-minute acrobatic performance from the children. These kids are so talented!

Monday, March 19

“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walks about, seeking whom he may devour.” 1 Peter 5:8.

There has been a lot of praying going on in our team here in Mongolia, both in Darkhan and Erdenet. And we feel the results of your prayers for us as well. Please don’t stop!

The day here in Darkhan started out with eager anticipation because it was our first day doing medical work at a local healthcare clinic. It is illegal to do healthcare outreach at the churches here in Mongolia so we are grateful for this invitation and opportunity to serve the Mongolian people.

As the morning progressed, one of our team members saw two policeman enter the clinic. They didn’t say much but observed what we were doing. About an hour later, a gentleman from the local health authority showed up. He requested to see all of our professional medical volunteers’ licenses, and then he entered our pharmacy area to examine our medication bottles for expiration dates. We had to shut down for about an hour. After he left our pharmacy room, we sent up a prayer to God, asking that He would move on this man’s heart and allow us to continue our work.

Enkhe, our local leader, worked and negotiated with him and he gave us permission to continue through that afternoon. He told Enkhe that she needed to go to his office on Tuesday with copies of all of our licenses and to do additional paperwork. She did, and we are now cleared here in Darkhan to continue our medical work through the end of the week. Praise the Lord!

The situation is not as positive with our sister team in Erdenet. They were doing medical work in the morning and got word from the authorities to shut down. Sadly, for the rest of Monday, they could not administer care to the people of that city. They were able to hold the evening Jesus Talks at the church in Erdenet. On Tuesday morning, Dr. Gordon (our medical director for this trip) visited the health authority with a local church member. They were told that they could do medical work in a nearby town, just not Erdenet.

The enemy hates our good God and will always try to disrupt or stop anything good that He wants for us. Our mission trip here is no exception, as evidenced by the last 24-48 hours. But, God is still on His throne, and He is in control!

It was a long, busy, eventful day. But it ended well. We are all safe and patients have been ministered to, by the grace of God.

Stories from Reach KC: Countdown Week Three

Stories from REACH KC

There are three weeks to go until It Is Written’s citywide evangelism meetings begin in Kansas City on March 30, 2018. The teams on the ground and It Is Written are working on the last minute details. There is a lot of prayer,  graphic design, stage preparation, sermon writing, music selection, electronic equipment set up, and other details all coming together to make this event a logistical success. The real success comes in the hearts and minds that make decisions for Jesus Christ, and that’s happening now as people continue to make personal connections with others and invite them to a closer walk with Jesus.

Each Friday evening, Bible Work Coordinator Jack has a group Bible study at his house. One of Jack’s friends, Kyle, brought his 17-year-old nephew, Chuck, along for the study. Chuck wasn’t a Christian and didn’t consider himself to be one. But during the study he contributed some very good thoughts. He only came to the study once.

A couple weeks later Jack preached at Kyle’s church. Chuck was there too. He was very attentive and it appeared that he was really interested in what Jack was sharing from the Bible. After the sermon, Chuck and Kyle left quickly, and Jack didn’t get the opportunity to greet them. But the next day, Kyle brought Chuck with him to play disc golf with Jack at the local city park. Chuck kept asking Jack questions about the sermon.

“This is one of those moments when I would like to say I did everything right, but I did not,” Jack said. “I answered the questions, but I did not take the opportunity to see if he wanted more. The next day during my prayers, Chuck kept coming to my mind. So I contacted Kyle and asked if he would ask Chuck about studying the Bible. Chuck was super excited to study and we have been studying faithfully since.” Sometimes, people are just waiting to be asked.

Jack’s weekly Bible study group is full of stories. Another friend, Julie, shared with him that a friend of hers wanted to study the Bible with her children but she had been warned by her pastor to stay away from studying certain things. After a lot of encouragement from Julie, she and her family were ready. Would Jack be willing to study with them?

Jack willingly accepted the call even though the family speaks Spanish and Jack doesn’t. When Jack arrived at the house, he found a group of energetic 11-17 year olds all fluent in English. Weeks later, the group has quickly grown as the teenagers have invited their friends to join them.

“These young people are always ready with questions and a good laugh,” Jack said.  “The parents love the lessons too. Even though we are speaking in English, they join in and soak up as much as possible. I leave an It Is Written Bible Study Guide with them in Spanish so they can go over what the youth are learning. This is a study that fills my heart with joy each week.”

The young and old of Kansas City are excited and interested to learn more about Christ. Jesus is calling them to live a life for Him. Please continue praying for the people in Kansas City as we prepare for these meetings.

Some names have been changed.

Eyes for India team brings sight to the blind in Barabanki, Uttar Pradesh

Eyes for India: Over 1500 People Receive Sight

The Eyes For India team was invited to a Hindu temple this January to do the work of Jesus in opening the eyes of blind people. From January 3 to 17, the medical team conducted cataract eye surgeries in the remote forest village of Hardiakol, district Barabanki, in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh, India’s most populous state. Led by Dr. Jacob Prabhakar, It Is Written’s humanitarian Eyes for India project seeks to restore sight to the 15 million blind living in India through a simple cataract surgery and intraocular lens implantation. “This initiative will help as many as possible and restore their hope and sight,” said Dr. Prabhakar.

More than 2,500 blind people initially registered for treatment, and 60 percent of those were blind in both eyes. Most patients are very poor with hardly any warm clothing and must travel long distances by road and train. Thick fog created zero visibility and caused trains and buses to be canceled. Many patients who had initially registered were unable to return for treatment. Most of the patients that did make it back to the temple slept outside on sand and hay that served as beds as they awaited their turn for surgery.

Once treatment began, 250 patients were called for surgery each day. It Is Written Partner Dr. Jason Leng, an ophthalmologist from Pacific Cataract and Laser Institute, Chehalis, Washington, participated in the mobile camp for the second time. Dr. Leng, Dr. Prabhakar, and the rest of the medical team completed diagnostic tests for each patient and then the cataract surgery with an intraocular lens implantation. Postoperative patients stayed in a makeshift hall for care, postoperative dressings, and instillation of eye drops. Patients were discharged on the second postoperative day with specific medications and dark protective glasses. The patients are called for postoperative follow up each week for the next six weeks and then advised on the use of bifocal glasses.

By God’s grace, the eye camp was a huge success, despite many unforeseen challenges. A total of 1,672 cataract surgeries were performed, many for children and young women who are the breadwinners of their homes. The patients who missed their operation due to weather are scheduled for surgery during the month of March.

But providing eyesight is only the first step in the the work of our medical team. About 80 percent of the state’s population are Hindus, and 18 percent are Muslim. Many of these patients have never heard about Jesus. Patients were given the book Steps to Christ in their own language and a health booklet. The team prayed with patients and conducted worship services daily in the temple complex.

“Thanks are due to the Eyes For India sponsors for their generosity in making this possible,” said Dr. Prabhakar. “The smiles and the joy the patients demonstrate following surgery is noteworthy! They go back home being able to carry on with work and their daily livelihood. Leading an independent life makes all the difference. We are so grateful! Eyes For India has been such a blessing and we thank God for this amazing ministry.”

Thousands of lives have been changed in just days by a simple eye surgery. People who were once blind are now able to see because of the kindness of many donors who make this happen on a regular basis. Join the Eyes for India team in bringing sight to the blind by donating today.

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