Stories from Reach KC: Time to Begin

Stories from REACH KC

For the past six weeks, we’ve been counting down to the beginning of the Revelation Today evangelism series in Kansas City. It’s time to begin, and Pastor John Bradshaw will kick off the event at the Jack Reardon Convention Center at 7 pm on Friday, March 30.

The community has been invited and people in the surrounding area will be able to view the program from their local churches. Topics will include: the trustworthiness of God, hope for a planet in crisis, the Messiah and the judgement, the United States in Bible prophecy, among others.

For over a year, area church members and It Is Written Bible workers have been preparing for these meetings through an initiative called Reach KC. Along the way, they have had many incredible encounters as God leads them to serve their community. Here’s a few more of those stories in their own words.

Ruth, a church member, tells how God turned her mistake into a blessing.

I was really overwhelmed as I followed up on Bible study interest cards. We had so many cards come in for our small team! My job was to drop off the Bible study lessons each week to whoever had signed up. I was dropping off the third lesson for Madison when she shocked me with a question, “What day is the Sabbath?” I asked her why she was asking and she showed me the lesson I had left with her the previous week. It was the lesson over the Sabbath! Oh no! Somehow in my hurry, I had accidentally grabbed the wrong lesson for her. This lesson comes up later because earlier lessons establish the groundwork for this amazing topic. I asked her to wait to complete the other lessons that led up to the one about the Sabbath. Amazingly, she agreed.

The weeks went on, and I learned a lot about Madison. She had been diagnosed with terminal cancer and was living with her heart wide open to know God. I learned that she did not want me to come into her home but was very excited to sit down at the library and study the Bible together. When we reached the lesson about the Sabbath she was so eager and had so many questions. We spent time in God’s word answering her questions, and she left the study excited to keep the Sabbath. I am so happy that God is able to use me, even when I make mistakes!

After she retired, Helen found herself missing opportunities to witness. So she decided to get involved with Reach KC. She shares her story:

In January of last year, I retired for the second time. Two weeks into retirement, I realized again that retirement does not allow me much interaction with other people. I quickly remembered that running errands and grocery shopping does not provide enough chances to share Jesus’ love. I missed the time I had spent in my job praying with and counseling my 500 employees.

I knew God had a solution and I began to earnestly seek the Lord about the situation. When It Is Written’s Reach KC program was presented at a church in Overland Park, Kansas, I thought that God was giving me the opportunity I had been praying for so I attended the training.

The pastor gave us pages of names from the community who had requested Bible lessons. As I scanned the list, I sent up a quick prayer that God would show me someone who really wanted to know His truth. One name popped out at me like it had a magnifying glass over it: Deanne Garfield.

My prayer partner, Christina, and I began our visits. Deanne was a wonderful Bible student, seeking truth and furthering hers and our relationship with the Savior. She was in poor health so we also discussed the benefits of a good diet and healthy lifestyle. There are 25 lessons in the It Is Written Bible study guides but around the tenth lesson, Deanne asked me what she had to do to be baptized.

Wow, I was so excited! What a joy to be asked that question! I asked her if she loved the Lord. She stated emphatically that she did, and I said that was the most important thing for baptism. The pastor visited her, and we finished all the lessons together. Finally, Deanne rejoiced as she came out of the waters of baptism. I don’t think there is any other experience that brings as much joy as seeing someone give their life to the Lord in public baptism. It would be hard to know who was more blessed, Deanne or me. I am so grateful that the Lord led me to meet and share together with Deanne!

Our workers continue to work for God in Kansas City. Please pray that God will bring the right people to attend these meetings and that hearts will be touched to make decisions for Jesus Christ.

Learn more about the meetings at

All names have been changed.