Rosa, who lives across the street from a church in Rome, had noticed that the people going to that church were a little different. Good different. The members and their children were courteous and always respectful of their neighbors. And there was also something special about the way they interacted with one another. “Nice people,” she thought. And so for years, Rosa watched with an ever-growing desire to connect with the people of that church. What they had, she desired. And one day, it happened. She was standing in front of her apartment building talking to a neighbor when a church member politely approached them and gave them an invitation to a special series of meetings: “The Future Is a Beautiful Story” with Pastor John Bradshaw.

The audience listens intently as Pastor John Bradshaw and his translator present the evening message.
Unlike most people who simply throw away handbills, Rosa excitedly returned to her apartment clutching the invitation. She finally had connected with one of the people at the church, and they had invited her to one of their programs! With great anticipation, she decided to go, and she was not disappointed. John Bradshaw that night preached on the glorious return of Jesus. Wow! Rosa had never heard anything like this before. Her heart was filled with joy.
Rosa is not the only one whose life is being transformed by what she is hearing. Burnt-out church members, young adults, and silver-haired elders are among the many who, on a nightly basis, are being refreshed by the powerful Word of God. One of the attendees is a gentleman who drives 120 miles one way to hear the messages. Someone told him he could watch it all online and didn’t have to drive. He responded, “It’s not the same thing as being there in person.”

Each night a book is given to an audience member.
Please pray for all of these precious people attending our meetings. They are hearing wonderful truths and its turning their world upside down or, actually, right side up. Many of them are gearing up for baptism next weekend. Also remember that there are people in your own community, just like Rosa, who are watching and waiting for an invitation to hear the good news of God’s love for them.