Amelia’s life was spiraling out of control because of repeated bad decisions. She’d been away from God for over 20 years. A few weeks ago, she woke up in the middle of the night with a deep impression that God was calling her. Moved that God still had an interest in her, Amelia told her Christian sister about the nighttime encounter. That’s when her sister invited her to a series of Bible presentations at her church entitled, “Il Futuro É Una Storia Belissima” (The Future Is a Beautiful Story) with Pastor John Bradshaw. The first presentation particularly touched her heart as Pastor John talked about his own journey and how he found peace and joy in God. Amelia later confided to her sister that it was so fortunate that this Bible series is happening just after her nighttime encounter with God.
Fortunate? We don’t think so. It’s by divine appointment that Pastor John is presently in Rome, Italy, and that Amelia, like many others, is attending this eye-opening two-week series. Every night so far, the church has been full of people from all walks of life and different cultures with one thing in common: a desire to genuinely know God’s will for their lives.

Pastor John Bradshaw and his translator, Gianfranco Irrera, present at the church on weekends.

An enthusiastic audience enjoys John’s messages.

Home meetings are off to a great start!
Of course where good things are happening, the devil has to show up and attempt to disrupt it all. He almost succeeded on opening night. Before the meeting started, all the technology (video and audio) worked seamlessly. Everything had been tested multiple times. However, when the meeting started the video projector ceased to function. The tech guys did all the stuff tech guys do but to no avail. Thank God there was a second video projector in the building that was quickly connected and the program forged ahead. Bad luck? No. The enemy of God at work. But where God is present, the devil will never prevail.
Instead of doing the meetings at the church during the week, we are doing them in people’s homes across the city. Why? After a long day’s work it’s more convenient for people to go to a place near their home. Last night we were at the home of Carlo and Lucia. We weren’t sure what to expect. To our astounding surprise, over 60 people squeezed into an apartment to hear Pastor John teach (the photo doesn’t show the people behind John and in the other room). People in Rome are hungry for the Word of God.
Please keep our meetings in your prayers. And please remember Amelia and all the guests searching and seeking a better life in Christ. Our meetings run every night until May 19.