Pastor Joseph Ikner II, left, and John Bradshaw film for Answers in Prophecy, the new virtual evangelism series from It Is Written. Answers in Prophecy begins October 9.
Answers in Prophecy is an exciting, new virtual evangelism event from It Is Written. Starting October 9, Pastor John Bradshaw, president of It Is Written, will examine what ancient Bible prophecies say about current world events. Each presentation will livestream starting at 7 p.m. EDT then will be available on demand. The 10-presentation series will conclude October 21. Attendees may register and watch the series at answersinprophecy.com.
“Answers in Prophecy is a great opportunity to reach out to your community,” said John Bradshaw. “We’re looking at prophecy in a way that is very user-friendly. We’re demystifying prophecy and really showing how it points to Jesus. People will see how the Bible really makes sense of what’s happening around us. I hope you’ll invite as many people as possible to attend.”
Pastor Joseph T. Ikner II of the Central States Conference will host the event. Presentation topics include “Surviving the Election,” “Who Really Controls the World?,” and “Plagues and Promises.”
Free promotional resources for this event are available at itiswritten.com/rtresources. Answers in Prophecy is the first event of ACTS 20:21, a one-year evangelism initiative. To get your church involved, visit ACTS2021.church.