Stories from Reach KC: Countdown Week Four

Stories from REACH KC
We’re four weeks away from the start of our Revelation Today meetings in Kansas City, Kansas, beginning March 30, 2018. It Is Written Bible workers and pastors continue to share their stories, and it’s clear that God is leading in each interaction. Here are two of many exciting experiences we are receiving from the community.

Diane followed up on a request for Bible studies that came from Lynette. She had received a Bible study offer card mailed by It Is Written to the Kansas City area and was very excited about studying the Bible together with Diane. After several studies, Diane and Lynette were ready to study about what happens at death and for some reason, Diane was apprehensive. She knew that Lynette has lost her son only three years ago, and this study would be painful. But she trusted God to lead her and Lynette’s heart in truth and love.

Diane explained how the study began, “When we opened our Bibles to begin the study, I shared a short anecdote about what many preachers say during a funeral service compared to what is written on the tombstone. I asked her, ‘So, which is it, are our loved ones in heaven watching over us, or are they in the grave resting in peace?’ To my surprise, she quickly replied: ‘They’re in the grave resting. That’s what Ecclesiastes says.’”

Lynette was already familiar with the Bible teaching about death and the rest of the study was a refreshing study in God’s amazing and merciful love! At the end, Lynette commented, “That was a really good lesson today.” Diane was overjoyed as she left Lynette’s home, amazed at how God went ahead to prepare their both of their hearts for their study.


Another Bible worker and local church member, Harold and Casey, visited with Judy just as she was preparing for her daughter’s funeral. Maybe because of her personal pain, Judy was especially open to study the Bible with these soon-to-become friends. The lessons have even included Judy’s grandchildren, who often do gymnastics while they’re studying together!

Harold feels as blessed as Judy does to spend this time in God’s word together. Harold had grown up in the church but had never studied the Bible with someone else. “I’m really not the most qualified person,” he said. “I’m not a good speaker or a good teacher, but I am glad that God can use me in a small way.”

And God can use each of us, in our own way, to reach the hearts of His people. Some people are called to be evangelists. Some are called to be pastors. Some can support the ministry of others financially. Still others of us are called to just pray for those who are lost. Whatever your situation may be, join us in reaching Kansas City for Christ.

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All names are changed.